
BattleTech History: “Building the Perfect ‘Mech” in 1987

Howdy everyone and welcome to something a bit different! BattleTech is a very old game, stretching back to 1984 in its precursor form as BattleDroids. Over the 41 years of this game's life, there have been countless books, products,...

BattleTech Mech Overview: Kit Fox (Uller)

This week our Mech Overview looks at another clan light mech, the Kit Fox. Is it fast? No. Is it well armored? No. But it's got lots of guns!

BattleTech Mech Overview: Cougar

This week's Battletech Mech Overview takes a look at the Cougar.

Mech Overview: Nova Cat

In this week's Mech Overview we're taking a look at the Nova Cat, an ungangly looking clan heavy mech from the MW4 intro cinematic.

BattleTech: Mech Overview Dragon/Grand Dragon

The Dragon is one of the iconic mechs of the Draconis Combine, and has an appearance that really screams "Do-everything dork mech". Find out if it really does in this Mech Overview.

Goonhammer Mech Overview: Panther

Is it a mech? Is it a cat? Does Peri love it? This Mech Overview covers the Panther.

BattleTech Mech Overview: Hunchback

Howdy everyone and welcome back to Mech Overview! This week we are taking a look at a long time favorite of mine, the Hunchback. The Hunchback is one of the earliest mechs in BattleTech, coming from TRO 3025. Much...

BattleTech: Mech Overview: Victor

This Mech Overview takes a look at the Victor, a jumping assault mech with a big gun.

BattleTech Mech Overview: Raven

Howdy everyone and welcome back to Mech Overview! This week we are taking a look at everyone's favorite EWAR bird friend, the Raven. The Raven is a weedy little dorkus from early BattleTech, notable as one of the first...

BattleTech Mech Overview: Black Knight

This week our Battletech Mech Overview is taking a look at the Black Knight, a classic heavy "dude in a robot suit" design.

About Me

Peri is a grognard displaced in time, far too young for their titanic love of old ass game systems and violent defense of THAC0 as a concept. Peri is also the BNC-3Q's strongest soldier.
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Shatterpoint AdeptiCon Announcement Predictions

With Adepticon only hours away, our Shatterpoint writers are here to talk about what they'd like to see announced for the game both at the show and over the upcoming months.
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