Cyle "Naramyth" Thompson

Opinion: You set the standard, and you are running this. I’m not mad, I’m disappointed – A Naramyth Trip Report

Editor's Note: After the publication of this article, it has come to our attention that, after leaving the event in question, the author participated in other public activities in the community. The author's decisions do not reflect the official position...

The Final Ride of the Ultrahogs Part 1: A Naramyth Trip Report

Hello, dear reader! My trip reports have been, let's say "missing" from the site for the last, uh, checks notes however long it's been since March 11th, 2020. I’d like to claim the excuse of gestures broadly at everything, but I've...

9th Edition Faction Focus: Adeptus Mechanicus

9th edition is on the way, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild and the Faction FAQs released, now’s a good time to start taking a...

Continuing to be the Villian: A Naramyth Trip Report

I'm back! Not a week after taking home some hardware from the Canadians up at the Wheat City Open we had our monthly Two Rivers RTT, this time in Fargo. We had 19 people show up, including two Northern...

Seeking a Saga: An Interview with Jon Kilcullen

Although Goonhammer’s own Cyle “Naramyth” Thompson won the 2020 Wheat City Open last week, players around the internet were (justifiably) less interested in hearing the tale of how Cyle heroically won by switching to Iron Hands and more interested...

Becoming Part of the Problem: A Naramyth Trip Report

After doing fine at LVO I've had a couple weeks off of tournament hams (except my 3 games last Saturday against new GK to get some reps in. notes: There is something there and I am nearing the end of...

The Road to LVO: The Post-LVO Goonhammer Roundtable

With another LVO behind us, we thought we’d take a moment to sit down with the Goonhammer authors who attended and get their feedback on the event. UPDATE: Reece Robbins left a thoughtful comment in the comments after the article addressing...

The Road to LVO: We Started in the Basement. Now We’re Here

The Long, Winding Road We started in the basement. Here at Goonhammer, and in garages, basements, bars, and game stores around the world, gamers are talking about lists, travel plans, and last-minute hotel booking procrastination. We all have our paths, from...

The Road to LVO: The Triple Tusk

The end of the ITC season is nigh, the lights and warm temperatures of the desert beckon, and it's time for me to bring the Yacht Club to an RTT in its final, post Chapter Approved, Inquisitors clarified, form. Double...

Naramyth Quick Trip Report: Iron Hams

The last RTT of the year! Chapter Approved is out along with all the new PA stuff. My AdMech are currently dormant after the mediocre performance at Renegade waiting for ITC changes, and my Road to LVO hasn't quite...

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Detachment Focus: Data-Psalm Conclave

Art of War's Richard Siegler joins us to talk about the Data-Psalm Conclave and how to get the most out of its meagre offerings.
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