
Codex: Emperor’s Children (10th Edition) – The Crusade Rules Review

We take a deep dive into the Crusade rules in the new Codex: Emperor's Children, and talk about how they play in Narrative Play.

Detachment Focus: Slaanesh’s Chosen

We take a deep dive into the Slaanesh's Chosen Detachment from the upcoming Codex: Emperor's Children, and talk about what's in it and how to make it work.

Crusade: Nachmund Gauntlet – The Goonhammer Review

It’s been over a year since Games Workshop dropped their last Crusade book, Pariah Nexus, which brought with it huge improvements over the Leviathan rules that launched 10th edition. Since then a ton has changed - every army has...

Age of Sigmar Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast Review

There are some new narrative play options in addition to the new Orruks kicking around in Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast, and we cover that here.

White Dwarf #507 – New GSC Crusade Rules Review

We take a look at the new Genestealer Cults Crusade Rules in White Dwarf #507 and talk about why they're a big improvement on the Codex rules.

Q4 2024 40K Balance Dataslate: Chaos

The December 2024 Balance update brought some major changes and in this article we're looking at what changed for Chaos factions and what it means for your games.

Detachment Focus: Iconoclast Fiefdom

We take a deep dive into the new Iconoclast Fiefdom Detachment, which combines Chaos Knights with the hordes of damned followers who worship them.

Detachment Focus: Questor Forgepact

We take a deep dive into the new Questor Forgepact Detachment for Imperial Knights, which combines Knights and Admech units.

The Narrative Forge: Fixing the Rules and Missions of the Grand Narrative

We talk about the missions and rules from the 2024 Grand Narrative and how you can adapt them to your campaign to be a bit more workable and balanced.

Detachment Focus: Warrior Bioform Onslaught

We take a deep dive into the Tyranid Warriors-powered Warrior Bioform Onslaught Detachment - how it works and how to play it.

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Black Library Writers Respond to Meta Scraping Their Work

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