Mike Bettle-Shaffer

How to Paint Everything: Yu Jing

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look how to paint well, everything. We look at models and effects and look at several different methods for painting them. We've recently been getting into Infinity in a big...

How to Paint Everything: The Doctors from Carnevale

In our How to Paint Everything we talk about how to paint well, everything! Today we're taking a look at the various gangs of an alternate reality Venice. In this instalment we're taking a look at how Mike approachs painting...

Mike’s 2020 Hobby Year-In-Review

It's the last week of 2020 and for the Goonhammer crew that means it's time to look back at the year that was and reflect on our hobby progress. In today's year-in-review, Mike Bettle-Shaffer is looking back at the...

Something wicked this way comes: AoS28

The Dark Age of Sigmar The Dark Age of Sigmar, also known as AoS28 and Warhammer Hinterlands, is a visual aesthetic and playstyle inspired by the artist John Blanche. Cool conversions and interesting stories are the focus for this style...

How to Carve Everything

In our How to Carve Everything series, we take a look at different the different vegetables you might have around your home examine their texture and thickness, and look at several different methods for carving them. Yes, Halloween is...

STL Review: Isolation Protocol by Corvus Games Terrain

In our Miniature Review series, we look at the wide world of tiny soldiers for cool stuff to share with all of you. This week, Mike and Serotonin are reviewing the Isolation Protocol Kickstarter by Corvus Games Terrain. Disclaimer: The...

Tech Heresy and You: Getting started with resin printing

You may recall our article from last year where we discussed owning your own 3D printer, which included an overview of how to approach resin printing. We wanted to revisit this topic and spend a little more time talking...

Miniature Review: Pendekar by ZandrisIV Miniatures

This week, Mike takes a look at the Pendekar battlesuit from ZandrisIV Miniatures.

How to Paint Everything: Chaos Knights

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. With the release of Engine War, we're taking a...

Miniature Review: Satria Battlesuit by ZandrisIV Miniatures

This week, makes takes some time to review the Satria Battlesuit from ZandrisIV Miniatures.

About Me

Started back with the hobby in 8th edition by picking Thousand Sons, and has since developed an unhealthy love of filigree. This has led to a small Slaves to Darkness force amassing , alongside his Sylvaneth which funnily enough are also the army he's painted most of. When he's not painstakingly painted filigree, he enjoys creating his own terrain, either scratch built or 3D printed. He's also now spent enough time around Edwin that the dadgaming has rubbed enough and his hobby space is being over taken by a variety of historical ranges. Because everyone knows the best way to get someone to play a dadgame with you is to own two armies. Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeJB_S Insta: https://www.instagram.com/mikejbs/
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Strategy Guide for Age of Sigmar Path to Glory Ravaged Coast

Dan from the Salty Sea is here to look at the recent AOS Path to Glory supplement, Ravaged Coast.
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