Will "Loxi" Angarella

The Future of Commander/EDH: Wizards Announces the Brackets Beta

Wizards' announcement of Commander Brackets this week completely changes the format by giving players a way to evaluate decks against each other, with five ways to build and play. How good is this system? We talk about what each bracket means and what's missing.

Trench Crusade: Getting Started with List Building

Today, Will "Loxi" Angarella takes a first look at basic list-building for Trench Crusade.

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 3-Cost Mana Rocks, Part 4

A fourth entry in our series about 3 mana rocks in the Commander format in Magic: The Gathering.

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 3-Cost Mana Rocks, Part 3

Part 3 in our series about 3-cost mana rocks in the Magic: The Gathering Commander format.

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 3-Cost Mana Rocks, Part 2

Part 2 of our analysis of which 3-cost mana rocks to play in the Magic the Gathering Commander format.

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 3-Cost Mana Rocks, Part 1 – Cycles

We've covered how a lot of the different mana rocks in Magic work in Commander over the past few weeks, from the efficient 2-cost mana rocks to the expensive 5+ category of mana mountains, but the keen eye may have noticed we saved the best for last. The 3-mana category.

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 5+ Cost Mana Rocks

Howdy folks! We've recently forayed into the worlds of cheap, 2-cost mana rocks as well as the pricier 4-cost mana rocks. Today, we're looking at the big boys in the 5+ range. If you aren't familiar with what mana...

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 4-Cost Mana Rocks

Hi folks! Last time on this little series, we were talking about some of the options for ramping in the 2 mana slot. Today, we're going to the other end of the ramp spectrum and looking at 4 mana...

Golgari in Commander: The Harmony of Rot and Rebirth

Game design for tabletop games, specifically card games, can be a delicate balancing act of many factors in order to get the play experience to be enjoyable and enlightening. Two of these factors that often come up frequently are...

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 2-Cost Mana Rocks, Part 2 of 2

If you're familiar at all with Commander, you'll have heard a lot of talk about Ramp. If you're newer to the game: Ramping is the term for spending your mana on sources of additional mana to use on later...

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