
Shatterpoint – Plans & Preparation Squad Pack

  Welcome back to another Star Wars Shatterpoint Squad Pack Review! This week we're going to be looking at the Plans & Preparation Pack containing Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, her Jedi Padawan Bariss Offee and two Republic Clone Commando's. Luminara and...

Shatterpoint – Hello There Squad Pack

  Welcome to the first of the of our Star Wars Shatterpoint Squad Pack reviews. In these articles we'll look through the contents of these packs and try and break down some of the abilities and tactics you can pull...

Hot Take: AOS Battlescroll Update – The Hunt

The TL;DR The game has added priority targets as well as prime hunters. Priority Targets are strong units that now give up an additional victory point (some are worth 2!) when slain, similar to monsters. Prime Hunters constitute entire factions,...

White Dwarf #473 – Tome Celestial: Beasts of Chaos

Dragon Ogor Shaggoth Credit: JoeKAnother Tome Celestial is starting to hit newstands, this time covering the often mocked Beasts of Chaos. Can this turn them around? Tome Celestial Beasts of Chaos is finally here. I don’t really know what...

Faction Focus – Beasts of Chaos

Overview Beasts of Chaos – they’ve been around a little while. Brought from the Old World along with a lot of the more traditional fantasy armies they still maintain their roots while looking for new ways to act and despoil...

Ruleshammer: Age of Sigmar 3.0 – List Building Changes

Every day this week we'll be publishing an article that covers every phase of the new edition of Age of Sigmar. See what's changed and what remains familiar with our in-depth looks at the rules. Before we even get...

Broken Realms: Kragnos Part 2 – Skaventide

Part 2 of our Broken Realms: Kragos coverage goes over new battle traits and a new Battalion for the Skaven. The skaven have a small part in the book, attempting to take over the Free City of Excelsis in...

Broken Realms: Kragnos Part 1 – Beasts of Chaos

Well it's finally here, the finale of the Broken Realms Saga is here with Broken Realms: Kragnos. We'll break each faction up into their own article so if you're looking for a specific faction don't worry, yours will be coming very...

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Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game: Shank and Wrot Model Review

Journeying back to Middle Earth, Thundercloud reviews the Shank & Wrot, Orc Scavengers (and Snow Troll) released alongside the Battle For Edoras boxed game.
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