
The Old World: Ellyrian Reavers – The Goonhammer Review

While the release of Warhammer: The Old World happened a little over a year ago the one thing we haven't really had a lot of from Games Workshop is new plastic kits. All the Arcane Journals have been accompanied...

The Old World Arcane Journal – High Elf Realms Review

The Arcane Journal for the High Elves is here in the Old World, and we're looking at the two new Armies of Infamy along with the units and magic items that support them.

Warhammer The Old World – January FAQ 2025

January has seen the newest installment of the FAQs for Warhammer the Old World; Liam_Jordan runs through and highlight the key amendments which have been made.

The Old World Arcane Journal – Empire of Man Review

The Old World has a new Arcane Journal out for the Empire of Man, and our experts break it all down here.

The Old World Arcane Journal – Warriors of Chaos

  "The shadow of Chaos grows with the passing of the seasons. Fight and struggle as much as you wish, it will not help you - this world is doomed" - Engra Deathsword Hot on the heels of the Dwarfen Mountain...

Warhammer: The Old World – July FAQ

We’re back with another Warhammer: The Old World F&Q and Errata. This has come a lot quicker than most of us expected but it’s a welcome sight for sure. We’ve got a few changes in place and some good...

Getting Started – Star Wars: Shatterpoint Galactic Republic

  The Clone Wars Era of Star Wars is without a doubt the part which has grabbed me the most. I grew up with the prequal movies being released just as I was getting into my nerd stride and Clone...

Forces of Fantasy: High Elven Realms Faction Review

The History of the Old World is entangled with that of the High Elves of Ulthan. One of the first races brought into the world by the will of the Old Ones, they’re the race who stopped the Chaos...

Warhammer: The Old World Legacy Armies

Alongside the nine core factions making a fully fledged return to The Old World are the Legacy Armies. Games Workshop have released free PDFs which encompass the full rules and army list for each of these seven factions. In...

Arcane Journal: Kingdom of Bretonnia Review

Liam takes a look at the Arcane Journal supplement for the Kingdom of Bretonnia and what it has to offer players.

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Century of the Vampire: BloodRayne (2005)

Good God. I mean, what the hell, man. It's BloodRayne (2005) this week in Century of the Vampire.
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