Aaron "Lenoon" Bowen

Start Collecting: Napoleonics Part 1

So you've seen the movie and now you know with absolute certainty where Napoleon went wrong. You can, and will, do better. It's time to get into real wargaming. Welcome to Napoleonics. This article is part of our Getting Started:...

Goonhammer Historicals: Et Sans Resultat! Interview with the Wargaming Company

With our coverage of the launch of Et Sans Resultat! Series 3 drawing to a close (for now!), we sat down with David, founder of the Wargaming Company to chat about the ruleset, the new models and how he...

The End and the Death, Volume 2: The Goonhammer Review

We’re going to try and do this without spoilers - but if you haven’t read the End and the Death Part 1 at least, you may find some things spoiled for you a little. Where necessary, there’ll be a...

Goonhammer Reads Scifi: Itopia? Utopia!

Utopian fiction is rarer than its darker mirror, but serves more or less the same purpose. Where Dystopia asks us to reflect on the steps between now and when, and how we may avoid or survive whatever the author...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix SU-76 and Lend Lease at 12mm

The 12mm Soviet range from Victrix grows ever larger - we've had the infantry, we've had the T-34s and now, the SU-76 self propelled gun arrives to provide some serious anti-tank firepower for your Red Army. Thanks to Victrix for...

Goonhammer Historicals: ESR Miniatures – French Review

We've been enjoying our experiences with Et Sans Resultat! Series 3 from the Wargaming Company over here at the Goonhammer Star Fort. Alongside the Core rulebook and 1812 Campaign book, the Wargaming Company have branched out into miniatures, with...

Goonhammer Historicals: ESR Series 3 Master of the World: 1812 in Russia

So you've read our review of Et Sans Resultat, you've decided "hell yeah I want to be Napoleon" and now you're looking around for a risky, all-or-nothing ill-advised attempt to start a land war in Asia? You're in the...

Goonhammer Historicals Review: Et Sans Resultat! Series 3

We love Napoleonics. Who doesn't? Over here at the Goonhammer star fort, we usually play our Napoleonics in semi-skirmish settings, at most using a couple of battalions of foot and squadrons of cavalry. Perhaps you want something bigger. Something...

A History of Miniature Violence: Interview with Mantic’s Ronnie Renton

I was lucky enough to sit down with Mantic CEO and Founder Ronnie Renton for a chat on all things Mantic, Games Workshop and, especially, Kings of War. This is Part One of the interview - and this part...

Goonhammer Review: Woundwidget Wound and Score Trackers

I have a terrible habit that you might share too - using easily confused dice to count wounds, objective scores, cannon shots left in the caisson, shock, all the bookkeeping and number-counting that happens on the miniature battlefield. It's...

About Me

Has been playing wargames for too long, complaining about them for almost as long and attempting to write about them for about a year
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CYRAC: Kill Team December 2024 Tournament Stats

John from Can You Roll a Crit? covers how every faction has performed across the world for December, going over all the information with a look at the updated Q4 stats too.
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