
Blood Bowl – Orc Team Guide

Possibly the most Blood Bowl of all Blood Bowl races, the Orcs have been an ever-present at the spiky forefront of the game since time immemorial.  They play hard, die hard, and have a bloody good laugh about it,...

Marvel Crisis Protocol – King_Ghidra’s Journey Into Mystery!

This week King Ghidra is stepping in to revisit one of our favorite games, Marvel Crisis Protocol, and talking about how now's a great time to get into the game and what you can find in the starter box. Amazing...

Blood Bowl – The Ultimate Guide to Frenzy

Frenzy is one of the most interesting skills in common use in Blood Bowl.  It has great potential to cause damage, create positional options, and equally to cause mis-position and even turnovers!  In this article I’m going to look...

Blood Bowl – Shambling Undead Team Guide

The Shambling Undead are one of the traditional powerhouses of League and Tournament Blood Bowl.  With an extremely diverse roster and some fantastic flavour, they are also one of the most fun and thematic teams in the game.  In...

Blood Bowl – A Guide to Secret Weapons

Secret Weapons are one of the most fun and thematic parts of Blood Bowl; one of the elements of the game that reminds us how ridiculous and fantastic our game world is.  They can also swing games for (and...

Blood Bowl – Pearly Kings and Queens XVI Tournament Report

Pearly Kings and Queens is the flagship tournament of the Edinboro Castle Blood Bowl League, both of which can lay claim to being the oldest and most prestigious of their kind in London.  I went along to this year’s...

Blood Bowl – Dark Elf Team Guide

Dark Elves are one of the finest teams in Blood Bowl, both in game lore and in the modern tabletop game.  In fact our recent meta analysis showed they have the best win rate of any team so far...

Blood Bowl – State of the Competitive Meta 

Blood Bowl - State of the Competitive Meta  Half a year into 2022, and over a year and a half since the release of the latest Blood Bowl ruleset... and we have now seen thousands of games in the new...

Blood Bowl – Lizardmen Team Guide

Intro Lizardmen are one of the most unique teams in Blood Bowl.  They start with few skills, and their positionals' stats are geared to make them specialists in particular areas and weak in others.  On the one hand that makes...

Blood Bowl – The Art of Game Management

Game Management is the strategic, match-level skill of Blood Bowl, as opposed to the turn-by-turn, block-by-block, tactical art of Blood Bowl.  At its heart it is the skill of achieving the best possible result in the game through a...

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