
Blood Bowl – Blood Bowl 2024 Almanac and Star Player Review

Blood Bowl is once again getting an Almanac this year that collects the various 2024 releases into one handy book.  In this feature we're going to take a look at exactly what this volume contains, and go into a...

Blood Bowl – Chaos Dwarfs Review

After a brief detour into the lands of the faerie, Blood Bowl’s latest team release returns again to the hitherto unreleased historical races known as the Teams Of Legend.  This time we venture into the infamous Dark Lands, to...

Blood Bowl – An Interview with Waterbowl Champion, Hankok

Waterbowl was another big success this year, with well over a hundred attendees again.  You can read our report on the event itself here, but today we're talking to the coach who prevailed over an extremely strong field to...

Blood Bowl – Tournament Report: The Waterbowl Weekender

The Waterbowl Weekender is one of the UK’s biggest annual Blood Bowl Tournaments, consistently seeing well over 100 attendees, and returned this year for its 19th(!) outing.  I had a great time when I attended for the first time...

Blood Bowl – The Complete Guide To Hypnotic Gaze

With the fearsome new vampires and their stars recently arriving on the Blood Bowl scene, the Hypnotic Gaze skill will be seeing increased action on pitches across the world.  Whether you’re a user or a victim, there are many...

Blood Bowl – Vampire Star Players Review

A few weeks back we gave our first thoughts on the new and completely reworked Vampire team.  Now it’s time to turn our attention to the other big Sylvanian arrivals in this release: the Star Players.  The Vampires brought...

Blood Bowl – The Post-World Cup Meta Update

It was a mere three months ago that we last took a look at the Blood Bowl Competitive Meta, but since then we’ve had the small matter of the Blood Bowl World Cup, the largest competitive BB event ever. ...

Blood Bowl – Dwarf Team Guide

The Dwarves are one of the classic fantasy races, and have been at the heart of Blood Bowl since its earliest days.  With famous teams such as the Dwarf Giants, the Warhammerers and the Grudgebearers, they have been one...

Blood Bowl – The Early History Of Blood Bowl Miniatures

Blood Bowl’s first edition was released all the way back in 1987, which means we are creeping up on the forty-year mark for one of GW’s most enduring and popular specialist games.  In those early editions of the game...

Blood Bowl – How To Advance Your Cage

Hi Blood Bowl fans!  The humble cage is one of the most common sights on the field, and we looked briefly at how you should go about forming one in our recent article.  As I said back then, advancing...

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