Kevin Fowler

Blood Bowl Reviews – Spike Almanac 2022, Matched Play Guide, and Dungeon Bowl Death Match

Hey there sports fans! Today we have a big ol' pile of Blood Bowl releases to talk about. Many thanks to Games Workshop for sending us advanced copies for review. Spike! Almanac 2022 This edition of Spike! Covers the Norse and...

How to Paint Everything – Necromunda Barricades

Howdy scummers! This one is a call to action. We know you have a pile of Necro / Kill Team barricade sprues collecting dust somewhere. We've got a simple suggestion for you: Paint your damn barricades That's it. Put paint on...

Necromunday – Promethium Tanks (and Trailer) Review

Howdy, scummers! It's Necromunday Necro release day. This week we are psyched to be reviewing the Cargo-8 Trailer with Promethium Tanks and 2x Promethium Tanks kits. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing early preview copies of both sets. The...

Warhammer Underworlds Model Review: Gnarlspirit Pack

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing early preview copies of the Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood box. We will take a look at the core and warband rules later - for now let's talk about the new musclebunch! I absolutely love...

Kill Team Shadowvaults Boxed Set Review: The Kasrkin, the Terrain, and the Contents

Games Workshop introduced us all to the Gallowdark with the release of Kill Team: Into the Dark last month and they've now continued their stretch of adventures in the depths of space hulks with Kill team: Shadowvaults, a new...

Necromunday: Aranthian Succession – Cinderak Burning Roundtable

Howdy scummers! This week we have have two Kevins in a dialogue about the New Necro book - Aranthan Succession: Cinderak Burning. We recently reviewed it, but we are back to talk about more stuff we liked! We would also...

Blood Bowl Amazon Team – The Model Review

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing an advance preview copy of this team! While this kit was a bit finicky to build and prepare, I love the end result. There are lots of neat little details and loads...

Necromunday Index Update

Howdy scummers! We're doing some spring cleaning. A bunch of articles have been edited and linked for findability, the tags have been spiffed up, and the Necromunday index has been updated with a host of new stuff! ICYMI 40khamslam has done...

Announcing the Goonhammer RTT Series Boston

Hot on the heels of the Goonhammer Open in Maryland, we are excited to announce a new RTT series in Boston*, Massachusetts! Players can expect the same great terrain (and Boon Memorial Display Board**) as the larger event, now...

Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition Review

What's up sports fans? Looking for a bite-sized serving of Blood Bowl action that you can scarf down during your lunch break? Blitz Bowl may just be the game for you! Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing an...

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Goonhammer Historicals: As Seen in Warhammer

Today in Historicals, we look at how to use non-GW sets based off actual real-world armies to spice up your GW kitbashing.
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