Kevin Fowler

Unboxing Kill Team Termination: Box Contents, Models, and Terrain Review

The Hernkyn Yaegirs take on the Genestealer Brood Brothers in Kill Team:Nightmare. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing an advanced copy for review. Our Kill Team: Termination coverage: Kill Team: Termination Unboxing (this article) Kill Team: Nightmare - Hernkyn Yaegirs Review Kill...

Necromunday: Spyrers in the Underhive

Welcome scummers! This weekend's Warhammer Preview included the reveal of a new season called Hive Secundus, featuring one of the most feared threats in older versions of Necromunda; the Spyrer! Players of the 1995 version of Necromunda will recall, sometimes...

Goonhammer Reviews – Darktide: The Miniatures Game

The frantic battles of Imperium rejects versus chaos hordes come to the tabletop in Darktide: The Miniatures Game. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with an advanced copy of the game for review. Darktide (the video game) is...

Announcing the 2024 US Goonhammer Open in Baltimore, Maryland

We are proud to announce the 2024 US Goonhammer Open! As with previous years, the GHO will be held in Maryland. Come join us on July 6th and 7th. Like a rolling stone, we are moving yet again! This time we...

Necromunday – Grapplehonk and Cyber-Badger

But Fowler, there isn't a Necromunda release this Saturday. Dear reader... every model is a Necromunda model. Many thanks to Games Workshop for sending us an early Blood Bowl Gnomes kit for review. When I saw the first previews for the...

Unboxing Kill Team: Nightmare

The Night Lords and Drukhari Mandrakes face off (on a cool playset) in Kill Team: Nightmare. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with an advanced copy of the new box for review. Our Kill Team Nightmare Coverage: Kill Team: Nightmare Unboxing...

Necromunday: Apocrypha Necromunda Reviews Updated – Blood, Ash, and Gunshine

Howdy scummers! GW has released a new Apocrypha supplement - now Orlocks get some toys in Blood, Ash, and Gunshine. Everyone's favorite biker (or skateboard) gang gets some new Legendary Names, a boozy Cargo-8 load, and a narrative mission to...

Necromunday – Apocrypha Necromunda Review Updated!

Howdy scummers! There's a new Apocrypha Necromunda in town. Feast of Heretics gives the dreaded Corpse Grinder Cults a driver profile and some suitable grisly vehicle weapons. Please, please send us pictures of your "feast table" conversions. As always, drop...

Kill Team: Salvation Unboxing

Kill Team 2.0 steps out of the Gallowdark and into the THIRD DIMENSION again with Kill Team Salvation. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with an advanced copy of the new box for review. Our Kill Team Salvation...

Apocrypha Necromunda Review

Welcome to the Goonhammer "roundtable" for the new Apocrypha book! We say new, but a lot of this stuff is collected from previous, mostly White Dwarf, rules releases, or brought over from the Dark Uprising set. There is some...

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Shatterpoint AdeptiCon Announcement Predictions

With Adepticon only hours away, our Shatterpoint writers are here to talk about what they'd like to see announced for the game both at the show and over the upcoming months.
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