Kevin Fowler

Ghoulhammer Classics – Content from Spooky Seasons Past

As we kick off Ghoulhammer 2024, we are taking a look at the articles we released in previous years - as well as unearthing some seasonally-appropriate content to get you into the spirit. Ghoulhammer covers a lot of ground...

Kill Team 2024 Model Review: Vespid Stingwings

We are taking a look at the new Vespid Stingwings from the Kill Team Hivestorm box. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us an advanced copy for review. Thundercloud: Having assembled them, they’re an easy build. There are strong...

Kill Team 2024 Review: Hivestorm Unboxing

The Tau-allied Vespid Stingwings take on the Imperium's Tempestus Aquilons in the new Kill Team Hivestorm boxed set. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing an advanced copy for review. Unboxing Hivestorm Bucking the trend of recent boxes like Termination, Hivestorm is...

Necromunday – Tactics Cards Update: Hive Secundus Card Pack

Howdy scummers! We are still sorting through all of the goodies that arrived with the Hive Secundus box set and the Book of Desolation. This week on Necromunday, we have FINALLY updated our monolithic tactics cards article with some...

Necromunday – Man Of Waaagh on Sump City Radio

Howdy scummers! Welcome to an extra, extra, bonus edition of Necromunday. This week, Man of Waaagh stopped by Sump City radio to chat about Squat Prospectors in THE WAR ROOM. Lots of great chat about listbuilding, wargear, and strategies....

Necromunday – Roundtable: Which Gang Should You Start With?

Howdy scummers! As the dust settles on the Hive Secundus release, the Necromunday team wanted to chat about picking a first gang. There are so many to choose from - let's take a look at the discussion. Is there any...

Necromunday – Fowler on Guilder’s Ford Radio

Howdy scummers! Welcome to a special late edition of Necromunday. This week I dropped by the fantastic Guilders-Ford Radio for a chat about Spyrers, the Necromunday Weekender at the GHO, and the inspiration for the Manwolfs gang. Check out the...

Goonhammer Reviews Necromunda – Hive Secundus: The Models

Our Necromunda: Secundus coverage continues with a look at the models in the box. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us an advanced copy for review. Spyrer Orrus Sky Serpent: The Orrus Spyrers were models that I liked when I...

Goonhammer Reviews Necromunda – Hive Secundus: Unboxing, Campaign, and Gangs

Howdy, scummers! The day has come - we’ve got a new Necromunda box, along with a brand new setting. Necromunda: Hive Secundus brings the battle to the dark warrens under the ruins of the former capital city. Irradiated technology...

Necromunday Weekender at the Goonhammer Open Baltimore 2024

Howdy, scummers! This week on Necromunday, we are talking about our upcoming Necromunda event at the GHO. While colossal armies rage across the planet, the gangs of the hive world Lenk fight for control of the underhive. The 40k...

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Shatterpoint AdeptiCon Announcement Predictions

With Adepticon only hours away, our Shatterpoint writers are here to talk about what they'd like to see announced for the game both at the show and over the upcoming months.
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