Kevin Stillman

How to Paint Lion El’Jonson – Kevin Stillman’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Dark Angels space marines. For more on painting Dark Angels, you can return to that series by clicking this link. The Lion is the best Primarch model Forge World...

Minis are Popular: Contemptor Kevin’s Recap of SDCC 2023

While I haven't had the time or energy or money to go to many conventions this year - aside from Warhammer Fest back in April - I have been more able to choose my spots, and I needed to...

Contemptor Kevin’s Warhammer Fest Recap: Everything Except Monday Morning

So having flown back from the US, summarized my 10th Edition game, recovered from a bout of Con Crud, painted some minis, and been bossed around by a small dog, I'm finally free to tell you about my trip...

Goonhammer Previews Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition at Warhammer Fest 2023, Part 2

Mike Bettle-Shaffer wasn't the only Goonhammer contributor with the fortitude to survive the 3-hour queues for the 10th edition preview: "Contemptor" Kevin Stillman also managed to make the trip together with one of our Patrons, and brought back not...

Painting and Playing a Warhound: Princeps Kevin recaps the Warhammer Open New Mexico Finale, Part 2

Hello Readers! Last time I told y'all about the epic GoonMeets just prior to the first day of the GW US Open Finale in New Mexico, and the first day of the GW US Open Finale. If you'll notice,...

Building a Warhound: Contemptor Kevin Recaps the US Open Workshop, Part 1

Hello Readers! The final event of the GW Open Series for 2022 is in the books - the GW US Open Finale! An adventure to the middle of the New Mexico desert the weekend before Thanksgiving was not really what...

NoVa Open 2022: Contemptor Kevin’s Recap (featuring Salsa)

Hello folks! We are about a week or so after the end of NoVa 2022, and I've been having lots of thoughts on how to best contextualize one of the greatest convention experiences of my life. Running at full...

2022: Warhammer Finally Arrives at San Diego ComiCon

The Las Vegas Open. Adepticon. The NoVa Open. The Warhammer Open. A wargaming convention or Warhammer tournament is an absolutely amazing thing. It's nerd summer camp, where for a few days you leave behind work, your family, your dog...

Recap at the Rio: Contemptor Kevin’s LVO 2022 (Narrative) Roundup

The Las Vegas Open is over and done with. I'm back home, playing with my puppy and watching reruns of Deep Space Nine with my friends via Discord while I write this. I'm still digesting everything that happened over...

Contemptor Kevin’s Road to LVO 2022: Known Unknowns

Hello friends! By the time you're reading this, I should be in Las Vegas - likely somewhere at the Rio Hotel (1) or otherwise wandering Las Vegas. Specifically at the Moneyline Bar in the Aria. I'm participating in the 40K...

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Goonhammer Historicals: Painting WW2 Grey German Armour

Today, Momma Negan looks at how to paint World War II tanks, specifically focusing on grey armor.
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