"Primaris" Kevin Genson

Necromunday: Ash Waste Nomads Sha’dar Hunters and Weapons Upgrade Model Review

We take a look at the new Ash Waste Nomads Weapons and Upgrades kit this Necromunday.

Necromunday – Tactics Card Update: Halls of the Ancients and Ironhead Squat Prospectors Pack

This week in Necromunda there's a quick update to the Tactics Card list from two sources; the Ironhead Squat Prospectors Pack and Halls of the Ancients.

Necromunday: Hangers-on Hoedown

Necromunday is back with a look at the good, bad, and weird Hangers-on you can put on the table.

Necromunday: Starting a Campaign (2024 Edition)

Hey scummers! It’s been a few years since we last posted an article on how to start a campaign, so the Goonhammer crew is taking their experience and taking a fresh look at what a new Arbitrator can do...

Administratum: Adding Games

This article is part of a series designed to help you navigate the Administratum app that Goonhammer provides to help players navigate the rules for Crusade campaigns. In this article we cover how to input and edit games. Once you have...

Administratum: How to Create A Campaign

This article is part of a series designed to help you navigate the Administratum app that Goonhammer provides to help players navigate the rules for Crusade campaigns. In this article we cover how to create a campaign. While Administratum is...

Administratum: How to Create and Edit Rosters

This article is part of a series designed to help you navigate the Administratum app that Goonhammer provides to help players navigate the rules for Crusade campaigns. In this article we cover how to make a roster, add new...

Hammer of Math: Modifiers and Re-rolls in Tenth Edition Warhammer 40k

In this week's Hammer of Math we look at the value of re-rolls vs. modifiers and talk about when to fish for results.

Hammer of Math: Blood Angel Liberator Assault Group Stratagems

This week's Hammer of Math takes a close look at the choices behind the Savage Echoes and Red Rampage Stratagems in the Liberator Assault Group in the new Codex: Blood Angels. The Blood Angels are an iconic part of Warhammer...

Hammer of Math: Feeling No Pain

This week's Hammer of Math looks at the distribution of effective wounds with Feel No Pain. The concept of Effective Wounds is one that we've discussed frequently in this column, and this week I had an interesting question come up;...

About Me

Resident math nerd, printing tech priest, and overall giant human. Kevin's been playing 40k since 2nd edition, back when everyone could bring a Vortex Grenade and you could murder an entire Imperial Guard army before Turn 1. He spends more time thinking about army composition and mathhammer than actually playing. He's a moderately good — but extremely lazy — painter who loves kitbashing and using 3D printing to make new bits. Kevin is the primary author of the “Hammer of Math” regular series on Goonhammer, which updates every Monday.
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