
Hobby 101: Mixing

If you haven’t already read the Hobby 102 Colour Theory article, I recommend you give that one a look first; I’ll be referring to plenty of Colour Theory concepts here and I’m not going to restate that article again....

Hobby 102: Colour Theory

Over the years the Goonhammer crew have put together a vast and expansive library of painting guides. Appropriately titled “How to Paint Everything” we’ve got schemes and recipes for hundreds of models. They all, however, assume you know the difference...

Kill Team: Night Lords Model Review

As part of the Kill Team: Nightmare set, the 41st millennium's most over-the-top spooky guys are brought bang up to date; no longer are they reliant on a frankly hideous resin upgrade sprue to get their batwings and scary...

Lore Explainer: The Ogor Mawtribes

In this life, there are a great many pleasures, but what are the most essential? The urges that truly make us who we are? Yeah, you've got your Hedonites of Slaanesh engaging in all that decadent perfumery and getting down...

Black Library Review: Outgunned by Denny Flowers

  "The Aeronautica Imperialis are the masters of the skies in the 41st millennium, waging wars of breakneck aerial combat where only skill stands between victory and death. Flight Commander Lucille von Shard is an ace, a living exemplar of...

Eldfall Chronicles : Northern Wind Model Review

We'd like to thank Freecompany for sending over a couple of miniatures from their upcoming dungeon crawler, Eldfall Chronicles: Northern Wind for us to have a look at. Freecompany had an absolutely barnstormer of a crowdfunding campaign, blasting their funding...

Dawnbringers: Book V – Shadow of the Crone Krethusa the Croneseer Model Review

Keewa: Krethusa the Croneseer is a very cool new model for the Daughters of Khaine faction, and she’s going to make a fantastic challenge for any painter. The concept is a classic: A creepy lady with crow’s wings atop...

Artis Opus – Series M: Designed for Minis

Brushes are the most important tool in a painter's arsenal, and there are a lot of them out there. In particular there are a lot of shapes and styles. The Artis Opus Series S, reviewed by us here, represents...

Lore Explainer: Ciaphas Cain

In this week's Lore Explainer, we dive into Ciphas Cain, one of the best characters in 40k fiction and a great jumping off point for new Black Library readers.

How To Paint Everything: The Greater Thurian League

The Greater Thurian League are the biggest of the Leagues of Votann, and the box-art boys (and girls) for the LoV faction. Here's how I paint their various armour and clothing! I've used various paint brands for my scheme,...

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