JoeKster - FaQ QA

Creating My Tzeentch List for Flying Monkey Con

With Third Edition on the horizon I'm looking back at one of my greatest wins of 2020 when I went 5-0 at Flying Monkey Con. The only in-person event I was able to attend, due to COVID. Allegiance: Tzeentch - Change...

Broken Realms: Be’Lakor Part 3 – Disciples of Tzeentch

Atra’Zan is one of Be’lakor’s most trusted Lieutenants in his fight against the forces of Order during Broken Realms: Be’lakor. The book represents this with a brand new battalion that can be used by Disciples of Tzeentch under the...

Tactics Shaman: Cities of Sigmar Updates

Today on Tactics Shaman I'm going to take a closer look at the development to Cities of Sigmar brought on by the Broken Realms books. Broken Realms: Morathi Pretty much ignore this update. You gain the ability for one in four units...

Tactics Shaman: Maggotkin of Nurgle

Due to the unexpected release of Be'lakor Joe is going to explore what some of the new options from Teclis mean for list building going forward Nurgle daemons have definitely received a buff in this Broken Realms book. Will it push...

Tactics Shaman: Skating the Skaventide

Skaven as a whole have had a wide variety of competitive builds since their sole book released in early 2019. As an army they've had very little in the way of support from supplements released on their behalf, and...

The Tactics Shaman: Sharpening the Blades of Khorne

Blades of Khorne have been one of the most updated factions since AoS began, being featured with the first ever Age of Sigmar starter set, up to and including the Wrath of the Everchosen Chaos Supplement. Its competitive edge...

Evaluating the new Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome – Is the Army Any Good Now?

This week we'll be jumping back into the new Hedonites and DoK battletomes. Two weeks out players have had a chance to pick up both books and having had more time to play and evaluate each book, there's certainly...

The Tactics Shaman: Making Maggotkin Work

Another reader question this week: We've seen updates to the Disciples of Tzeentch and Hedonites now, but what about the other two gods? I'm starting a Maggotkin of Nurgle army and thinking about how I should build it. What should...

The Tactics Shaman: Tackling Ironjawz

In our Tactics Shaman series, we answer reader questions about tactics and list building for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. If you've got a question you'd like answered, a list you'd like help on, or general advice you're looking for,...

Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome: The Goonhammer Review

Hedonites of Slaanesh have been a difficult faction for Games Workshop to tackle. From the get-go with the release of their first battletome, players quickly realized how broken the faction’s summoning mechanic was, and how every ability the army...

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Necromunday: Greg & Andrew’s (Rail)road to Adepticon, Part 2

Andrew and Greg catch their train from Texas to Chicago and talk about their games of Necromunda en route to Adepticon.
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