JoeKster - FaQ QA

Tactics Shaman: List Building with New Beasts of Chaos

Army deep dives and list building is something I do more with close friends and subscribers to my Patreon than in articles, but this time around I was so excited about the new Beasts of Chaos rules that Goonhammer...

Dragons & Dragons, Third Edition: An LVO 2022 Recap

Hey everyone, I am back home safely from the LVO. Taking at-home covid tests like they’re candy but, hey. That’s where we are at, right? I previously wrote about my list and the build-up to LVO in my Road...

JoeK’s Renegade Open Trip Report

Hello folks, I am sorry it has been a while. but I return to you with news from the backs of dragons. The Renegade open was a 40 person GT in Minneapolis Minnesota. This event held a narrative team event...

Battle Report: Summer Slaughter GT

Summer Slaughter is a 98 person Major GT in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Held by the Basement Wargamers Club about an hour outside of Philadelphia, this 5 round tournament was scored based on W/L with the tie breaker being in-game victory...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Saga of the Flame Court GT & Circle City Clash

In Competitive Innovations, we take a regular look at the top lists from major events from the past weekend, figure out what makes them tick, and talk about what these lists mean for the developing meta. This past weekend...

Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ: Lumineth Realm-Lords

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs on Friday, covering errata for the core book and lengthy FAQs for each faction. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...

Age of Sigmar 3.0: Soulblight Gravelords FAQ

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs on Friday, covering errata for the core book and lengthy FAQs for each faction. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...

Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ: Disciples of Tzeentch

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs on Friday, covering errata for the core book and lengthy FAQs for each faction. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...

Age of Sigmar Tournament Report: JoeK attends the Atlantic City Open

With the 2nd edition of Age of Sigmar winding to a close, Josef "JoeK" Krier took his Lumineths out for one last ride at the Atlantic City Open. In this report he talks about his list, and the games...

Age of Sigmar Tournament Report: JoeK Attends the Bugeater GT

Bugeater was one of the larger events that was canceled last year due to the Global Pancake (cuz what a flop 2020 was, eh? and so with the release of the vaccine and the ability to spread tables...

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Century of the Vampire: BloodRayne (2005)

Good God. I mean, what the hell, man. It's BloodRayne (2005) this week in Century of the Vampire.
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