Jack Hunter

Battletech Mech Overview: Sentinel

One of the less popular mechs from the Comstar Command Level II pack, the Sentinel is a medium weight skirmisher. This weeks Mech Overview is taking a look at the different variants.

Battletech Mech Overview: Highlander

An absolute classic assault mech, the Highlander when originally created was the heaviest mech to mount jump jets. It's always been a mech that sticks in player's heads, particularly as the Death From Above mech - something common enough that...

Battletech: Mercenaries Mech Overviews

The Battletech: Mercenaries kickstarter brings 10 new plastic models to people's game tables, and we're here to help you know how to use them.

Battletech Vehicle Overview: Maxim

The second plastic vehicle in Battletech: Mercenaries, the Maxim is a fast hover transport. In our second Vehicle Overview we're taking a look at whether it's just a metal death trap or not.

Battletech Vehicle Overview: Galleon

A small tank-like vehicle, the Galleon is our first Battletech Vehicle Overview.

Battletech Mech Overview: Caesar

You've been hit by - You've been hit by - a smooth cataphract

Battletech Mech Overview: Flea

The Flea is a boxier take on a Locust. In this Mech Overview we're taking a look at whether it does a better or worse job of being an annoying 20 ton scout mech.

Battletech Mech Overview: Firefly

Straight out of the MechWarrior 3 intro cinematic, we're looking at the Firefly in this Mech Overview.

How to Paint Everything: BattleTech Hextech Buildings

Pre-painted Hextech terrain is great, but what if you're printing it yourself or want some more variety? We're looking at some basics for quickly painting 6mm buildings here.

How to Paint Everything: The Adepta Sororitas / Sisters of Battle

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at different methods for painting them. In this article we're looking at how to...

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