Greg Chiasson

Army Showcase: Greg’s Dark Angels

Finishing your own army is core to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby. In our Army Showcase series, Goonhammer contributors take a look at the armies we've been collecting for years, and the new ones we've just finished - what drew...

Greg’s Road to NoVA, Part 4: Ah man, that didn’t go well.

4.1: I Have Been Judged and Found Wanting. Check out my model kit A NoVA plan unraveling Dark Angels is the army that I travel with Don't go to the GT if you can't handle it Current games status: I ran a pared-down version...

ButtScribe: Printed Materials For You and Others

Good Datasheets for Your Bad Army ButtScribe is a tool that, like many things in my life, was caused by TheChirurgeon complaining. He wanted customized datasheets to take to games and was looking at creating bespoke InDesign files, and I'm...

Greg’s Road to NoVA, part 3: The Widening Gyre

3.1 Same As It Ever Was So it's been a couple of weeks, and due to my unquenchable lust for clicks, here we are again. I've spend most of those weeks on Warhams. Unfortunately, because I've got brain worms, almost...

Greg’s Road to NoVA, part 2: Extremely Cool and Incredibly Good

When we last talked, I was explaining that my approach to competitive 40k was going through what you could charitably describe as a learning process, but that I like to think of more as ego death. In this installment...

Greg’s Road to NoVA, part 1: How Do I Work This?

Part 1: My Entire Deal Hello friends. I'm Greg, or Greg, and if you know me (which, realistically, you don't) it's probably from PMing me with bug reports for ButtScribe, because it sucks and I keep breaking stuff. I've never attended...

Datacard Printer for 40k and Kill Team

40k list building has a problem. The most common choices are to use Battlescribe, and turn up to games with printouts that are ten pages long and practically illegible, or to use the codex, which is nicer looking and...

About Me

yum yum here it come
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Kill Team Spring 2025 FAQs and Errata!

The Q1 2025 Balance Update for Kill Team has also been released, and we're taking a look at the changes therein!
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