Greg Chiasson

Century of the Vampire: Ultraviolet (2006)

Welcome to the Century of the Vampire, an ongoing weekly feature where Goonhammer managing editor Jonathan Bernhardt watches some piece of vampire media, probably a movie but maybe eventually television will get a spot in here too, and talks about...

I Think You Should Buy A Boat

A Japanese Type 93 torpedo - known generally as the “Long Lance” even if the original owner/operator never called it that -  is 20 feet long and weighs as much as a car. It’s a cylinder two feet across,...

The Sickest Gundams That Should Also Be in Gundam Assemble

Webmaster, admin, Dune reviewer and Senior Gunpla Correspondent Greg joins us to talk about what gundams they should put in Gundam Assemble. The cool ones.

Goonhammer Roundtable: The LVO 2025 GW Reveals

We take a look at everything revealed on Games Workshop's reveal stream at the 2025 Las Vegas Open and talk about what we like, what we don't, and what it means for this year's releases.

I Can Now Say with Authority That the Dune Show Sucks

At no point in Dune: Prophecy’s multiple discussions on the finer points of the whale fur trade does anyone ever mention CHOAM. As such, I cannot recommend that you watch Dune: Prophecy.

The Dune TV Show Kinda Sucks

The show’s most unforgivable sin though, is that the outfits are trash. There’s no other way to say it. Nobody looks cool. They raided a Spirit Halloween for these fits. I hate it.

Goonhammer Historicals: Baccus 6mm Great War French

The Great War has been something of a passing interest for me since I took a course on it in college. I needed to fill out my general education requirements and wanted a history class, but the wehraboos had...

Historicals Road Trip: Big Boat

I have a two year old at home. Somehow, despite my wife literally growing this child in her abdomen and then breastfeeding her for over a year, I'm currently the preferred parent. If I leave the room, or get...

The Best Year in Gaming: 2014

Last year’s stacked lineup of games for the Game Awards had us thinking: What was the best year in gaming? As part of our series on determining gaming’s best year, we’re putting together an article on each year, charting...

Codex T’au Empire – 10th Edition: Crusade Review

Welcome back to another Crusade review. This one’s for all the Shas’os out there who believe that the entire universe must learn of your peaceful ways through the precise and prudent application of crushing military force. The Tau codex...

About Me

yum yum here it come
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Black Library Writers Respond to Meta Scraping Their Work

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