Goonhammer Staff

Announcing: the UTC Finals for the 2024 Season

We're announcing the locations and dates of the Invitational Finals events for the 2024 UTC season.

Discussion: Everything GW Revealed at Adepticon 2023

It wouldn’t be a big event without a GW reveal and boy was this one a doozy, with the biggest announcement we’ve seen in years. As always with these things, we’re pretty excited for what comes next and ready...

The Obligatory 2k23 LVO GW Reveal Roundtable

As usual, Games Workshop showed up at the Las Vegas Open and opened up their big bag of new models. As they are compelled to release new products, so we are compelled to have Hot Takes about them. Regular...

Imperial Armour Compendium September FAQ Update – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Hot take...Tuesday? Sounds fake. Anyway, a round of updates to the Imperial Armour Compendium have been pushed out today, updating it to handle the new Chaos Space Marine Codex and tidy up a few residual issues elsewhere. Let's take...

The April 2022 40k Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

As promised, Games Workshop released a huge update today in the form of another quarterly balance dataslate. The Q2 2022 Dataslate is full of rules updates that creates a massive shakeup in the meta. As always, we’re here to...

The 2021 Balance Dataslate Round Table

Yesterday Games Workshop released a massive balance patch for competitive Warhammer 40,000 that has immediate and massive impacts on competitive play. If you missed what’s in it, you can check out our recap and immediate thoughts here. In that...

The 2021 40k Balance Dataslate Hot Take

After what we’ll call... a “rough” couple of months on the competitive scene, Games Workshop released a massive set of updates today to its competitive rules. And unlike past changes we’ve seen with “the Big FAQs” in 8th edition,...

Goonhammer’s Favorite Horror Games

We love Halloween. From the general sense of dread to the costumes and the fun of horror games and entertainment, we’re big fans of the spooky season. So with Halloween fast approaching, we at the Goonhammer offices figured we’d...

Welcome to the New Goonhammer

Welcome, Dear Reader. You may have noticed a few changes around here. We've been furiously working on updating the site over the last few weeks, trying to get something that looks like an actual website. Also, we've made it...

The Goonhammer Open UK: Announcements, List Submission, and Prizes!

The inaugural edition of the Goonhammer Open UK is now just 4 weeks away! We're really looking forward to the weekend, and as the event draws closer, we have some announcements to make, a reminder about list submission, and...

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Century of the Vampire: BloodRayne (2005)

Good God. I mean, what the hell, man. It's BloodRayne (2005) this week in Century of the Vampire.
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