Genghis Cohen

Necromunda: Spyrer Hunting Party Gang Guide

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with an advanced copy of the Book of Desolation and the Spyrers box for review. Introduction - Why Play Spyrers? Spyrers are the old bogeymen of the Underhive, returned as the new threat...

Infinity: Gencon Seminar and N5 Announcement Reaction

Infinity N5 Announced for October 2024 Note: the new rules will be available online 20th October. There should be previews throughout Infinity Global Week (a promotional thing running all next week) so stay tuned for more on this.  Genghis Cohen: Shocking!...

Necromunday: Spyrers in the Underhive

Welcome scummers! This weekend's Warhammer Preview included the reveal of a new season called Hive Secundus, featuring one of the most feared threats in older versions of Necromunda; the Spyrer! Players of the 1995 version of Necromunda will recall, sometimes...

Necromunday: New Necromunda Enforcers & Badzone Enforcers Guide

Howdy scummers! It's been a while since we've talked about Helmawr's muscle on Necromunda - the Palanite Enforcers. While we had an article for them before, we have updated it with rules for Badzone Enforcers and the new plastic...

Necromunda Gang Guide: Goliaths

Goliaths are an artificially-created slave class which overthrew their masters, proving better suited to life in the industrial hellscape of Necromunda and thriving amongst the forges and factories. In achieving their status as a Clam House, they were able...

Infinity Nomads Guide Part 3: Reinforcements

Welcome back to our in-depth look at Nomads in Infinity. If you missed the prior entries in the series you can find Part 1 (competitive lists) here and Part 2 (Units and Roles) here.  It’s fair to say that the release of the...

The Guide to Nomads in Infinity, Part Two: Units & Roles

This is part two of a multi-part series looking at Nomads in Infinity. You can find Part 1 Here. We have already looked into the widely acknowledged competitive Nomad list building defaults. Now it’s time to examine alternative options. As strong...

The Guide to Nomads in Infinity, Part One: Competitive Meta Lists

The Nomad Nation is composed of three enormous spacefaring motherships, each of which is home to a distinct group of outcasts from the wider Human Sphere. Tunguska (the money) is run by gangsters and bankers; Corregidor (the hand) is...

Infinity Tournament Report: Infinite Nerd II

After a couple months of playing no Infinity at all, there was another tournament hosted in Shrewsbury, which at 45 minutes drive is as close as events usually get to me. This was another 'Infinite Nerd' event run by...

Infinity Rules Review: Reinforcements & Army Update

Corvus Belli have now released the next big thing for Infinity. Alongside major movements in the background, with the alien Combined Army smashing aside the human powers' blockade and devastating the planet of Concilium, we see a slew of...

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Content We Liked: 23rd February, 2023

Freudian Menaces, Daemonic Facelifts and Heretical Accounting in this week's Content We Liked.
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