Genghis Cohen

Infinity N5 Tournament Report: Infinite Nerd March 2025

Genghis Cohen is back from the 12-person Infinite Nerd Infinity tournament in Shrewsbury with some of the UK's top players, and has the report for us today.

Necromunday Review: Tribes of the Wastelands

Another release aimed to tidy up existing rules while adding new stuff, Tribes of the Wastelands is essentially a ‘House of’ tome for the Nomads in Necromunda. Check out our review!

Infinity N5: Faction First Impressions: Non-Aligned Armies (NA2)

Today in Infinity, we look at what the shady, hybrid factions in the Non-Aligned Armies have to offer.

Infinity N5: ITS Season 16 Part 2 Review

Following the N5 release in December, Corvus Belli have dropped the second/revised part of the Infinity Tournament (ITS) Season 16. We take a look at the changes.

Infinity N5 Faction First Impressions: Nomads

With the new edition of Infinity out and on the table, we take a look at how the Nomad faction is keeping up with the times.

Infinity N5: The Goonhammer Core Rule Review

The core rules for Infinity N5 are out, and our experts have given their initial thoughts on the new edition.

Infinity Tournament Report: Steel City Skirmish November 2024

Introduction Another chance came up to attend a tournament at Patriot Games in Sheffield, a venue which is just about in range for me, and is one of the biggest Infinity-playing venues in the UK (it is running one of...

Infinity N5: Release Delay and New Rules Round-Up

Well, we would have liked to have been covering the N5 rules for Infinity this week, but six days before the planned date of 18 November, Corvus Belli announced that it would be delayed ‘a few weeks’. The new...

Infinity N5: Previewed Rules, New Units and Fireteams Discussion

It’s Infinity Week, ie Corvus Belli is promoting their new N5 edition and its Operation Sandtrap release box, together with its release factions, the Japanese Sectorial Army, its Shindenbutai Sectorial, and PanOceania’s Kestrel Colonial Force Sectorial. This means rules...

Infinity Opinions: A Fond Farewell to Infinity N4

This article is, at least in part, a rebuttal to my esteemed colleague’s baseless diatribe against Infinity’s N4 edition. Let us leave to one side that the honourable gentleman chose to put the boot into the aged edition as...

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