Variance Hammer Eric

The Games of Our Fathers: Why You Should Play Hex-and-Counter Wargames

Today in Historicals, we look at a historical kind of game, rather than a game merely set in the past. It's time to talk about hex-and-counter games.

Into the Merseyverse: The Games of Daniel Mersey (and Co-Authors) Part 1

Today, Variance Hammer Eric takes a look at the collected works of designer Daniel Mersey (and company) for Historicals.

Hammer of Math: Do You Actually Need Precision Dice?

A disquisition on dice, by Variance Hammer Eric.

Goonhammer Historicals: Footsore Baron’s War Miniatures

This Thursday for Historicals, Variance Hammer Eric takes a look at the Footsore Baron's War range.

Goonhammer Historicals: Devilry Afoot

This article includes a clearly labeled affiliate link. Given the Silver Bayonet is a Goonhammer Historicals staff favorite and can be best summarized as “What if Napoleon but also Werewolves?”, it should be no surprise that Devilry Afoot, which can...

The Road to Heidelberg: The Inaugural Warhammer Conference

I am in the (rather fortunate) position that academic approaches to nerdy topics is extremely “on brand” – and that I have the resources to support that as a throughline alongside more serious academic research. All of which is to...

Variety is the Spice of SAGA: The Book of Battles

One of the great joys of historical wargaming is the huge potential variety of scenarios, both balanced and extremely not that present themselves. In this respect, the single scenario in the main SAGA rulebook is, shall we say, slightly...

Starting SAGA: Building a One Kit Anglo-Saxon Warband

Can you make a good Saga warband out of one box? Variance Hammer Eric picks up some Saxons and gets going!

Goonhammer Historicals Reviews – Scouts Out: Raids and Reconnaissance in 1914-1918

One of the more intimidating aspects of wargaming the First World War, and thus a hurdle to getting started, is the perceived scale of the conflict. It immediately conjures masses of men going over the top, large scale artillery barrages,...

Goonhammer Historicals Reviews – The Silver Bayonet: Canada

The Silver Bayonet: Canada is the second expansion for the highly-regarded gothic horror skirmish wargame. Published by Osprey Publishing, with an accompanying miniatures line from North Star Military Figures, The Silver Bayonet: Canada sees the game in the hands...

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Games Industry News Roundup- March 18th, 2025

Dan's back with the news roundup this week, with the same format you've come to know and love. Things aren't great out there!
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