Dylan Gould

Necromunday – Ash Wastes Review

Howdy scummers! It’s Monday Ash Wastes box set release day! We are psyched to tell you all about the new box and new setting for Necromunda. We’ve got a ton to cover so let’s get right into it! Many...

Necromunday – How to Paint Everything: Sector Mechanicus Terrain

Howdy scummers! As we prepare for the upcoming release of Necromunda: Ash Wastes, this seemed like a phenomenal time to hit up the Goonhammer contributors for their preferred methods for painting up Sector Mechanicus kits. SM seems like a...

Battlezone Fronteris Terrain: The Goonhammer Review

For several months now we’ve been waiting for the release of GW’s newest terrain set, Battlezone Fronteris, which was first previewed late last year and received rules in the Vigilus Alone campaign supplement. This new boxed set expands on...

Necromunday: Model Railroad Edition – Part 1

Howdy Scummers! This week we are talking trains! Just wanted to show you a glimpse of a past project, some work in progress, and give a little idea about how I build my terrain. Back in 2020 I had the...

Necromunday – How to Paint Everything: Slopper and Scabber

Howdy Scummers! Welcome back to another exciting edition of Necromunday! This week, we’re taking a look at Necromunda’s most recent Forge World kit: the Slopper and Scabber! While not necessarily models that you’ll end up using in every, or...

Necromunday: How to Base Everything – DIY Styrene Bases

Howdy Scummers! Sliding down the slag heap on the heels of Dan and Campbell's discussion on basing I thought I’d walk y’all through my process of making bases for my gangers. And yes, all the Necromunda kits come with...

Necromunday: A Tale of Four Scumlords – Part 1

Welcome back, Scummers! During the week, it was revealed that Dan, Cody, Dylan, and Fowler all plan on building new gangs in 2022 independently of one another. Because of that, we’ve decided to ask each one to detail their...

Necromunday: 2021 In Review: The Stuff We Did

Howdy scummers! It's Monday, and around these parts that means it's Necromunday. This week we are talking about stuff we actually did in 2021! Let's take a look back at what we managed to accomplish this year. Games played SRM: I...

How to Paint Everything: Karazai the Scarred

Games Workshop hit us up and offered us a review copy of the new Draconith to demonstrate painting on. I mean, how could I say no? With the kit in hand, I got my building supplies together and dove in. I...

Gaming Spaces: Dylan’s Space, Part 2 – the Gaming Space

Welcome back! Last week, we toured my hobby space, so let's take a walk through the gaming space/art gallery. Before we get there though, we'll stop in the entryway to the space, which is the hall between the two rooms.  There's...

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Content We Liked: March 9th, 2025

We look at Salamander cookouts, C'Tan shards, and Aquila mechs plus our favorite Goonhammer content in this week's Content We Liked.
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