Chase "Gunum" Garber

Hear Me Out: Bugeater? More like, Hogeater.

Fishing for Pigs Well, look who it is. It's me, Gunum! I'm finally back with my Hear Me Out series after a long break. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept, here's a quick refresher: In Hear...

Gunum Interviews: Content Creator Weshammer

In the wide world of 40k content creators, there’s typically a constant battle to decide who to spend our precious non-gaming hours when it comes to gaming commentary. That is, until last year. The last year has dramatically increased...

Gunum Presents: Immunized and Loving It – a RTT Tourney Report

Flight of the Dark Phoenix Hello dear readers, it's fabulous to be able to reach out to you again with some fun Gunum action. With the pandemic restricting all of our travels and in turn, stifling a lot of our...

Gunum Interviews: Gaming YouTube Channel MagikarpUsedFly

In the wide world of 40k content creators, there's always a constant battle to decide on who to spend our precious home time hours on to listen to for gaming commentary. As I was chugging through the school year,...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: Dark Angels FAQs

As we have been eagerly looking forward too, every day since our errata release, the Space Marine FAQs are finally upon us. With their release come some welcome and unwelcome changes alike to my favored sons in green.  The...

Forge World Faction Focus: Tyranids

Forge World has had a long history of absolutely gorgeous Tyranid models with mediocre-to-bad rules. Overcosted or just plain unworkable, except for the Malanthrope these centerpiece units were often locked out of competitive gameplay. The Imperial Armour Compendium offers...

Gunum Presents: Hear Me Out, Cyle! The Outer Circle

It's Hip to be Square Hey team! Gunum here, and man, can I just say how much I've missed you guys? Cause I've missed all of you. 2020 has been a big year for everyone on the planet, and I...

9th Edition Faction Focus: Dark Angels

9th edition is on the way, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild and the Faction FAQs released, now’s a good time to start taking a...

9th Edition Faction Focus: Harlequins

9th edition is on the way, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild and the Faction FAQs released, now’s a good time to start taking a...

Diving into the lore of Total War: Warhammer with Loremaster Sotek

In the next part of our coverage of the Total War: Warhammer series, we are diving into the lore and setting side of the game. For this task, we called upon an experienced voice in this field, Loremaster of...

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Detachment Focus: Data-Psalm Conclave

Art of War's Richard Siegler joins us to talk about the Data-Psalm Conclave and how to get the most out of its meagre offerings.
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