Chase "Gunum" Garber

Detachment Focus: Chaos Cult (Updated January 10, 2025)

We take a deep dive into the Chaos Cults Detachment from the 10th Edition release of Codex: Chaos Space Marines and talk about how we might make it work (for a price).

Detachment Focus: Assimilation Swarm (Updated December 30, 2024)

We take a deep dive into the Tyranids Assimilation Swarm Detachment - what's in it, how it works, and how to play it.

Detachment Focus: Blood Legion

We take a deep look at the new Khorne Blood Legion Detachment for Chaos Daemons.

Detachment Focus: Librarius Conclave

We take a deep dive into the new Librarius Conclave Detachment for Space Marines, which powers up your librarians as they lead marines into battle.

40K Narrative Play: The Hemocan Chronicles – Gunum’s Final Lore and Prep for Atlanta

Hey everyone, it's Gunum! I'm back with the primary lore for my army before diving into the new Grand Narrative. I also wanted to take this time to chat with you all and show you where I'm at with...

40K Narrative Play: The Hemocan Chronicles – Gunums’ Hemocan Recap

The Hemocan Chronicles: Blood and Betrayal Hello, everyone! It's me, Gunum! Back again with the latest chapter in the ongoing saga of my Grand Narrative dynasty, Hemocan. For those just tuning in, this is where I chronicle the bloody rise...

Detachment Focus: Company of Hunters

In this series of articles we take a deep dive into a specific detachment for a faction, covering the faction’s rules and upgrades and talking about how to build around that faction for competitive play. In this article, we’re...

The Q2 2024 Warhammer 40K Balance Update – Space Marines

After nearly three months, it’s time for another quarterly update for Warhammer 40,000 and this time it’s just points. Today’s points update gives us updated points for every faction in the game, though as usual some have been touched...

The Hemocan Chronicles: Day Two – Gunum vs …Goonhammer?

Welcome back, dear readers! It's me, Gunum! I am here again with the continuation of my Games Workshop Grand Narrative recap. Today, we will be talking about the escalation of my leader’s war effort, a game versus one of...

The Hemocan Chronicles: Day One – Battlegroup 28 Declares War on the Games Workshop Grand Narrative

Hello everyone, it is I, Gunum! Today I'm continuing the tale of my escapades at the Games Workshop Grand Narrative in Atlanta. If you missed the prelude to this adventure, catch up in my previous post. Today, I will...

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Marvel Dice Throne: X-Men – The Goonhammer Review

The X-Men have made it into Crisis Protocol and Marvel United, and now they’ve come to Dice Throne. Jefferson Powers looks at it for Turn Order.
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