Charlie B

Fury of the Swarm: 40K co-op version 1 is almost here

Fury of the Swarm is an experimental co-op mode for Warhammer 40,000, in which the players face off against a swarm of Tyranids following instinctive protocols. This week is the final post before the release of Version One, a...

Fury of the Swarm: 40K co-op just got deadlier

Fury of the Swarm is an experimental co-op mode for Warhammer 40,000, in which the players face off against a swarm of Tyranids following instinctive protocols. This week the Hive Mind has adapted in response to player feedback. Emperor...

Fury of the Swarm: The Final Two Missions

Fury of the Swarm is an experimental co-op mode for Warhammer 40,000, in which the players face off against a swarm of Tyranids following instinctive protocols. This week the final two missions of the Version 1 roster are added,...

Fury of the Swarm: 40K Co-op on a Space Hulk

Fury of the Swarm is an experimental co-op mode for Warhammer 40,000, in which the players face off against a swarm of Tyranids following instinctive protocols. This week we have two new missions for commanders to have a crack...

Fury of the Swarm: Two new co-op 40K missions

Fury of the Swarm is an experimental co-op mode for Warhammer 40,000, in which the players face off against a swarm of Tyranids following instinctive protocols. This week we have two new missions for commanders to have a crack...

Fury of the Swarm: 40K co-op developer diary #1

Fury of the Swarm is an attempt at a co-op mode for Warhammer 40,000, in which the players face off against a swarm of Tyranids following instinctive protocols. This week we have our first developer diary following on from...

Fury of the Swarm: mini 40K co-op campaigns are now go!

Fury of the Swarm is an attempt at a co-op mode for Warhammer 40,000, in which the players face off against a swarm of Tyranids following instinctive protocols. This week, we add two new missions, making it possible for...

Fury of the Swarm: the 40K co-op open Beta begins

Fury of the Swarm is an attempt at a co-op mode for Warhammer 40,000, in which the players face off against a swarm of Tyranids following instinctive protocols. This week, the open beta launches. As promised in my announcement two...

Goonhammer presents Fury of the Swarm: Tyranid Horde Mode

The new Tyranid minis from the Leviathan boxed set are incredible, and there’s about to be a lot of them arriving in homes across the globe. I’ve met a lot of people who love the minis and want to...

Getting Started: How To Start a Game Group

Here in the extremely real Goonhammer offices we often get comments saying "Those games look cool, I wish I had a group to game with," or "I wish I knew people interested in ." Today's post is here to...

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Fallout Factions Campaigns – The Goonhammer Review

So you checked out our review of the core rules for Fallout Factions and thought “looks good”. But what you really want is the story experience of playing a Fallout game. That’s why you’re here for our review of the Campaign mechanics in the new Modiphius Fallout Factions core book!
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