Alfredo Ramirez

Infinity N4 FAQ 1.0: The Goonhammer Hot Take

The release of N4 has made for a very exciting time to be an Infinity player, assuming you're into playing virtually over TTS. The ruleset has been a fantastic evolution from N4 with much improved stream-lining and clarity. But...

Hobby Heresy: Alfredo’s White Scars Chapter Champion

In Hobby Heresy, we look at conversions, kitbashes, and other custom projects by Goonhammer authors and explore the thought processes behind them and the work that went into them. It’s part hobby showcase, part tutorial. Last month we took...

Hardspace: Shipbreaker Early Access Review

It's been the kind of year that makes the prospect of shipping off-planet and spending my remaining days methodically dismantling space freighters ,in exchange for being saddled with a billion dollars of corporate debt, strangely appealing. As it turns...

Echoing Calls for Justice in our Community

It suffices to say that we are living in turbulent times. As of this writing, the United States finds itself viscerally reacting and responding to the tragic death of George Floyd, a Black American who was murdered by Minneapolis...

Boardhammer: Hellboy Core Set

Are you ready to fight frog monsters, punch nazis and fail to stop the impending apocalypse alongside everyone's favorite big demon in a cooperative board game with beautiful miniatures that pay tribute to almost 30 years of Mike Mignola's...

How to Paint Everything – Grey Knights

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. Today we take a look at the loyalist Thousand...

How To Paint Everything: Marneus Calgar

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. The first to cross the Rubicon Primaris was the...

Adepta Sororitas in Kill Team

With the Kill Team Annual 2019, Games Workshop has finally published rules to run Sisters of Battle in Kill Team! Clearly focused around the recently released (and out of print) army set, we get rules for battle sisters, repentia...

Alfredo Ramirez – How to Paint Thousand Sons

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint the Thousand Sons. To return to the parent article, click this link.  When it comes to the traditional Rubric scheme, there’s basically two ways to go about this:...

Alfredo’s Road to NOVA: We March for… where again?

Previously on the Road to Nova... I abandoned my commitment to Chaos in favor of Eldar, and I finished an entire Farseer I absolutely needed for NOVA. Then I worked on a Kill Team Model and finished a pair of...

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Games Industry News Roundup- March 11th, 2025

The news from the week that was is here, and there's a lot more Jeff Jarrett in it than there usually is.
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