
10th Edition Crusade for Veterans: The Quick List of What’s Changed

So no doubt you’ve just finished reading Goonhammer Reviews Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition – Part 5: Crusade and poured over the rest of the series so there’s every chance you’re suffering from information overload and need a lie down....

Codex World Eaters 9th Edition: The Crusade Rules Review

Codex: World Eaters releases this weekend and in addition to our massive review of the Codex's Matched Play rules, we're reviewing the book's Crusade rules as well. So join us as we sit down and talk about the ways...

Codex Astra Militarum: The Crusade Rules Review

It's the Tuesday after our review of the new Codex: Astra Militarum, and you know what that means: it's time to look at the Crusade rules. Beanith: It’s the IMPERIAL GUARD codex and I will stand sit firm on this...

Magic Unfinity Review, Part 2 of 2: Notable Commander Cards

Magic's newest Un-set is Unfinity, releasing in October 2022. This set features a number of new mechanics and a major twist, in that the set no longer features the trademark silver borders of traditional Un-sets. Instead, the entire set features...

Codex Leagues of Votann: The Crusade Rules Review

As always, we follow up our review of the Codex with a look at the book's Crusade rules. If you missed our detailed review of the book's rules and datasheets with a focus on matched play, you can find...

Codex Chaos Daemons: The Crusade Rules Review

Finally the article everyone’s been waiting for: Daemon Crusade Review! Whether you’re looking for ways to spice up your warp charged book club or add some new twists to your skull collecting hobby, these new crusade rules have got...

Codex: Chaos Space Marines (9th edition) Review, Part 4: Crusade

Chaos Space Marines have a fairly hefty set of units available to them, mixing a bunch of Space Marine classics, unique units like Daemon Engines, and a huge host of Characters, both named and regular. In this part of...

White Dwarf 476: Flashpoint Nachmund – The Corruption of Faith

Welcome to (hopefully) the end of the Righteous War flashpoints. This ones a bit of a doozy as it includes rules for your army falling to chaos. You may be asking yourself "I spent all this time getting Righteous Inspiration,...

War Zone Nachmund: Rift War – The Narrative Play & Crusade Rules Review

Lost in our less-than-enthusiastic review of the matched play rules in the new War Zone Nachmund: Rift War was our usual review of the Narrative play/Crusade rules. And it turns out there’s a lot of very interesting stuff in...

Codex Tyranids: The Crusade Rules Review

Welcome, unnamed faceless bio-construct designed only to sate your own bottomless hunger, to the latest iteration of creating a planet, and then getting mad at that planet. Rather than waste time with things like “diplomacy” or “seizing the means...

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Age of Sigmar December Battlescroll Coverage

Here's all our coverage of the December Battlescroll update for Age of Sigmar linked all in one place for your convenience.
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