Andrew "Pendulin" Haywood

Darktide Closed Beta: Goonhammer’s First Impressions

After a long week trapped in an industrial labyrinth, fighting off corruption and hordes of heretics, we were finally able to escape the Goonhammer Corporate Offices and spend the weekend playing the closed beta of Darktide - here are our hot takes!

Administratum: Campaign Embiggening Update (September 11th, 2022)

You've asked for bigger campaigns. You've asked for better campaign management tools. You've asked for us to spend more time harvesting regexes in the Code Mines to fix the Battle Forge Importer. We've heard you loud and clear, and...

Snot Goblin Gaming’s Modular Terrain – The Goonhammer Review

If you're looking for FutureProof Modular Terrain, Snot Goblin Gaming's current Kickstarter project, then check out our review of it. If you'd rather read up on terrain of yesteryear then read on, dear reader, read on. Snot Goblin Gaming’s Modular...

Administratum: It Belongs in a Museum Update (July 24th, 2022)

The It Belongs in a Museum update is one of the most extraordinary ventures in the entire history of Administratum. It is built on the fragmented remains of an eventually ruined codebase which is (will have been) enclosed in a vast Git repository...

Administratum: The Battle Sheets Update (June 28th, 2022)

Shadows grow long as the game stretches into its final hour. A cold bead of sweat trickles down your forehead as your opponent mutters under their breath. You don't catch what they say, as you are desperately trying to...

The June 2022 Kill Team Balance Dataslate Hot Take

Another quarter means another Kill Team dataslate from Games Workshop. We are happy to see another balance pass, especially one that gives a bump to a struggling faction. While there aren't many changes, we do expect them to shake...

Administratum: Search This Update (June 12th, 2022)

When getting ice cream, there's always a temptation to ask for a sample. Even if you already know what you're getting, even when your mind is set in stone, you still want a little bite to make sure your...

Code Mines: /^Regular Expressions$/

Welcome to the Code Mines, our (mostly) weekly development blog on Administratum. In these posts we'll be talking about the process of building Administratum, the thought behind some of the features, and our approach to making it the best...

Administratum: The Bookkeeping and Announcements Update (May 29th, 2022)

Be sure to take note about these breathtaking notes, and announce from on high with high-flying design - Administratum's latest update brings you new tools to customize your campaigns, rosters, and units in ways that were never before possible. Announcements,...

Code Mines: Why is it Hard to Change the Past in Administratum?

Welcome to the Code Mines, our (mostly) weekly development blog on Administratum. In these posts we'll be talking about the process of building Administratum, the thought behind some of the features, and our approach to making it the best...

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Imagine four servitors on the edge of a cliff.
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[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Holding Space (Marines) pt.1

The Las Vegas Open ends with a Space Marine showdown in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.
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