Andrew "Pendulin" Haywood

Artis Opus Series S – A Brush with Greatness

I like big brush and I cannot lie. Specifically, Artis Opus Series S brushes. But what's to love about these brushes, and why have they become must-haves in the hobby toolkit for some of us here at the Goonhammer Corporate...

Goonhammer Reviews Dominion – The Digital Board Game

Dominion is finally hitting iOS, Android, and Steam on February 1st, and we've got a sneak peak review for this board game classic.

Goonhammer Interviews: Snot Goblin Gaming and FutureProof Terrain

FutureProof terrain is coming soon, and we're sitting down to talk with the creator, Snot Goblin Gaming.

How to Base Everything: Desert Bases

We look at how to create effective desert bases of various types, from sandy dunes to dried up river beds to arid cracked badlands.

Administratum: The Photo Gallery Update

Share photos of your best games and worst models in Administratum's Photo Gallery Update.

Administratum: The Necrons Update

Administratum's add-on for Codex: Necrons is now as live as alive as living metal gets! Read more about it inside.

Administratum: The Adeptus Mechanicus Update

Administratum supports the new Adeptus Mechanicus codex. Take a look at the new terminal inside!

Codex Adeptus Mechanicus – 10th Edition: Points Review

Let's dive into Adeptus Mechanicus points and see what's radioactive (good) and what still needs some time in the forge.

How to Paint Everything – Blood Angels Space Marines

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here. In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint well, everything, with different methods...

Codex Adeptus Mechanicus, 10th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

The wait is over and the Adeptus Mechanicus codex has arrived. Check out our review to see what's hot, what's not, and what's very, very radioactive.

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Imagine four servitors on the edge of a cliff.
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Detachment Focus: Data-Psalm Conclave

Art of War's Richard Siegler joins us to talk about the Data-Psalm Conclave and how to get the most out of its meagre offerings.
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