[AOS] Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: 2025-03-18

Welcome to Competitive Innovations, our weekly feature for a number of game lines across the tabletop wargame space. Each week our army list and tactics experts canvass the top tournaments for their game of specialty, looking at the week’s top match-ups and how they played out on the tabletop to let you know what’s hot, what’s not, and what might be coming next as the competitive meta evolves year-round.

Things are quieting down a bit as Adepticon creeps ever closer, but we’re back this week with 3 smaller events from around the world, one in Finland, one in Canada and one in the US.

Age of Sigmar: Winter War

40-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland on March 15 2025. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Anttu – – Daughters of Khaine
Army List - Click to Expand

2000/2000 pts
Grand Alliance Order | Daughters of Khaine | Cauldron Guard
Drops: 4
Spell Lore – Lore of Shadows
Prayer Lore – Prayers of the Khainite Cult
Manifestation Lore – Manifestations of Khaine
General’s Regiment
Krethusa the Croneseer (150)
• General
Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (220)
• Reinforced

Regiment 1
Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (320)
• Khainite Pendant
Sisters of Slaughter with Bladed Bucklers (220)
• Reinforced
Sisters of Slaughter with Bladed Bucklers (220)
• Reinforced

Regiment 2
Bloodwrack Shrine (200)
• Zealous Orator
Khinerai Lifetakers (80)
Khinerai Lifetakers (160)
• Reinforced
Khinerai Lifetakers (160)
• Reinforced
Regiments of Renown
Saviours of Cinderfall (270)
Callis and Toll
Toll’s Companions


Eemeli Vainio-Pekka – Ossiarch Bonereapers
Army List - Click to Expand

TS2025 1990/2000 pts
Grand Alliance Death | Ossiarch Bonereapers | Mortek Ballistari
Drops: 2
Spell Lore – Lore of Ossian Sorcery
Manifestation Lore – Horrors of the Necropolis
General’s Regiment
Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis (520)
• General
Morghast Archai (540)
• Reinforced
Mortek Crawler (260)

Regiment 1
Mortisan Ossifector (110)
• Helm of Tyranny
• Aura of Sterility
Mortek Crawler (260)
Teratic Cohort (150)
Teratic Cohort (150)
Faction Terrain
Bone-tithe Nexus


The number of bodies here immediately stack things pretty heavily in the Daughter’s favor. Ossiarchs mostly are good at being able to pick up a single unit each turn and then be resiliant enough to tank the ensuing counter-attack, and this has a lot of units. Many of which come in from Deep Strike.

The Catapult does give them a bit of an edge because with the paper-thin saves the Crawlers’s (especially in this detachment) will shred through them, not to mention they have their own deep strike to respond with. The end result is a shockingly low scoring game with the Daughter’s coming out ahead.


Daughters of Khaine Victory – 26 – 20

Anttu – – Daughters of Khaine – 1st Place

Krethusa the Croneseer by Craig “MasterSlowPoke” Sniffen

The List

See Showdown


Krethusa and Witch Aelves


This is a fascinating list unlike anything else I’ve seen recently.

Witch Aelf/Sister of Slaughter spam is a viable way to play the army and arguably the better one right now if you’re willing to put in the effort in to paint them all. They’re very unassuming on their own, but the army has multiple synergies to bring them together. Sisters of Slaughter are already -1 to hit but Krethusa and shut off cimmands making that even harder. Even if the enemy can get around that Martyr’s Sacrifice makes them a potentially lethal tarpit with mortals on death.

The really interesting inclusion is the number of Lifetakers, the melee variant of Khinerai. They too don’t do a ton of damage on their own but are frustrating to lock down as they can leave combat immediately after fighting so much of this list involves engaging in combat on their terms and dipping out to safety.

Callis and Toll round off the list with everyone’s favorite Order Witch hunters adding yet another deep strike to the arsenal who can gun down Manifestations that try and block your path.

The Best of the Rest

There were 7 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Eemeli Vainio-Pekka – Ossiarch Bonereapers: See showdown.
  • 3rd – Kimmo Kokkarinen – Slaves to Darkness: An utterly insane list with Archaon & Be’lakor with Chosen and a Chaos Lord.
  • 4th – Jonah Alibi – Kharadron Overlords: Thunderers and Gunhaulers.
  • 5th – Paavo Rahman – Soulblight Gravelords: Triple Blood Knights and Wolves.
  • 6th – Ted Ekegren – Gloomspite Gitz: Troggs and Squigs.
  • 7th – Tuomas Ivakko – Flesh-Eater Courts: Ushy and a lot of Knights.
  • 8th – Janne Tiihonen – Ogor Mawtribes: STONEHORNS!!!

La classique d’hiver (AOS)

34-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Sherbrooke, Québec, CA on March 15 2025. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Frederic Bigras-Burrogano – Flesh-eater Courts
Army List - Click to Expand

Mare more beg power

* Spell Lore – Lore of Madness
* Prayer Lore – Rites of Delusion
* Manifestation Lore: Aetherwrought Machineries
* Lord of the Manor
* General’s Regiment
* Ushoran
* Morbeg Knights x 6
* Morbeg Knights x 6
* Ghouls x 40
* Marrowscroll herald
* – Charnel Vestment,
* – Cruel Taskmaster
* Regiment 1:
* Abhorrant Cardinal
* Royal Beast Flayers x 10
* Morbeg Knights x 6
* Royal Beast Flayers x 10

2 drops
2000 pts


Justin Lapointe – Slaves to Darkness
Army List - Click to Expand

Slaves to Darkness
Darkkoath Horde

Be’lakor, the Dark Master (440)
– 6 x Varanguard (660)
– 10 x Chaos Chosen (520)
– 6 x Chaos Furies (120)

Darkoath Chieftain (90)
[Infernal Puppet]
[Radiance of Dark Glory]
– 10 x Darkoath Marauders (80)
– 10 x Darkoath Marauders (80)

Nexus Chaotica

[Lore of the Damned]
[Forbidden Power]

2 drops


Both armies are relying on powerful charges here as both are rocking reinforced Cavalry as their hammer, though the Slaves to Darkness do have chosen who can stand still and tank some hits while dishing them out, too.

While there are some real numbers on the side of FEC, it can’t be denied that the Slaves to Darkness are just in a really solid place right now. Their brute force tactics are effective against a lot of different armies when played correctly and unless one can get lucky enough to engage with the right timing it becomes very difficult to beat them at their own game.

The end result is that Slaves to Darkness absolutely demolish here with a perfect score.


Slaves to Darkness Victory – 50 – 32

Justin Lapointe – Slaves to Darkness – 1st Place

Darkoath Marauders. Credit: SRM

The List

See Showdown


Be’lakor with Chosen and Varanguard (plus chaff)


So the first half of this is pretty standard stuff. Be’lakor leads Chosen and Varanguard who are both extremely hardy and can pick up almost anything they want to if they get into combat with it. Starting the Chosen with the Mark of Slaanesh gives them a strong starting sprint with a 3D6 charge and extra attack, as well. Furies also give some nice objective grabbers and help fulfill early tactics like Take the Flanks.

The Darkoath inclusion is an interesting variation. Darkoath Marauders are not great, but they are insanely cheap and create a nice speedbump where they can do mortals upon death. The Chieftain isnt a bad combatant and is an equally cheap enhancement holder, rounding the list off with a S2D list with an actually respectable number of bodies.

The Best of the Rest

There were N more players on X-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Hugo Canneddu – Ogor Mawtribes: STONEHORNS!!!
  • 3rd – Romain Gosselin-Delort – Seraphon: Kroak with a Starseer and the usual Seraphon Good Stuff.
  • 4th – Frederic Bigras-Burrogano – Flesh-eater Courts: See Showdown.
  • 5th – Loic Gosselin Delort – Kharadron Overlords: A mid range KO list with a bit of everything.
  • 6th – Benoit Drouin – Sylvaneth: Alarielle and Belthanos with two Spirits of Durthu.

Small Town Throwdown: The Ides of March

33-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Cypress, CA, US on March 15 2025. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Mission – Close to the Chest

Thomas Guan – Skaventide
Army List - Click to Expand

Skaven | Claw-horde
Drops: 2
Spell Lore – Lore of Ruin
Prayer Lore – Noxious Prayers
Manifestation Lore – Manifestions of Doom

General’s Regiment
Vizzik Skour, Prophet of the Horned Rat (400)
• General
Clanrats (300)
• Reinforced
Clanrats (300)
• Reinforced
Clanrats (300)
• Reinforced
Deathmaster (120)
• Short-tempered
• Skavenbrew

Regiment 1
Grey Seer (120)
Clanrats (150)
Clanrats (150)
Clanrats (150)

Faction Terrain


Greg Brewer – Flesh-eater Courts
Army List - Click to Expand

FEC: Mad Daddy and Bone Daddy 2000/2000 pts

Flesh-eater Courts | Lords of the Manor
Drops: 2
Spell Lore – Lore of Madness
Prayer Lore – Rites of Delusion
Manifestation Lore – Morbid Conjuration

General’s Regiment
Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion (440)
• General

Regiment 1
Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (840)
Crypt Haunter Courtier (120)
Crypt Horrors (280)
• Reinforced
Morbheg Knights (320)
• Reinforced

Faction Terrain
Charnel Throne


This is an interesting matchup. The FEC list basically concentrates the best stuff in the army down and lets Ushoran and Nagash do a lot of the leg work to make them stronger and hardier than before. Running both character is a wild choice but it got them this far.

On the other side of the table, Tom Guan has a lot of rats. Like an illegal number of rats. It’s unlikely that the FEC can pick up enough rats while remaining in control, which leads to a pretty overwhelming victory for the Skaven.


Skaventide Victory – 38-26

Thomas Guan – Skaventide – 1st Place

Clanrats. Credit: Rockfish
Clanrats. Credit: Rockfish

The List

See Showdown


Oodles of rats


That’s a lot of rats! Control is the name of the game with this list, with multiple redundant clan rats units it’s real easy to bog the opponent down where they don’t want to be with Three Clawsteps Ahead and Skitterleap. Vizek can then force opponents to take a -1 to attacks and to wound with his warscroll prayer and the Skaven prayer Rabid-tough, respectively.

Finally, these rats do have some bite, with the prayer Filth-crust it’s possible to give them Crit mortals, when throwing that many dice, more than a few are gonna get through. Most lists simply cannot do the damage to get through this many clanrats.

The Best of the Rest

There were 5 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Kyle Calip – Flesh-eater Courts: Ushy and a collection of various FEC good stuff.
  • 3rd – Kharadron Overlords: Brokk leading Dual frigates with Skywardens and Edrinriggers.
  • 4th – Christopher Hernandez – Skaven: Vizzik leading clan rats and a Deathmaster with Krittok and Stormvermin.
  • 5th – Greg Brewer – Flesh-eater Courts: See showdown.
  • 6th – Evan Markham – Blades of Khorne: A mortals focused list with tons of Wrathmongers.

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