Warhammer streaming has become an increasingly large pillar of the hobby over the last 2 years or so. In order to get a better understanding of it, we sent an interview request to Ceri Robson, current host of The Hobby Room, ex Warhammer Live main host and all round hobby badass (and better yet, a Tyranids player). Ceri is an extremely positive presence in the online hobby world and has had a front seat view of Warhammer streaming during its massive growth spike, so we were pretty damn happy when she said “yes” to the interview.
Tyler “Coda” Moore – This is totally my first interview, so I’m just going to start with, who you are, how did you get into hams and what’s your current, like, hobby stuff that you do at the moment? Like what’s like your hobby, you know? If that makes any sense.
Ceri Robson – I’m Ceri, aka PurpleMonkey790 from social media, of former WarhammerTV hosting fame and current host of The Hobby Room.
Hamish – And I’m Hamish, all round hobby legend and ethereal co-host of the hobby room.
When I was younger, my brother played Warhammer and he tried to get me into it so that he had somebody to beat in games, it seemed, because he would make up rules and it would be along the lines of: when he was rolling to hit me on four dice, he only needed to roll on a successful 2+, but I needed to roll like four sixes to hit him back.
Coda – So how did you get into the hobby? Like what made you pick up the brush or start rolling dice.
Ceri – So when I was younger, my brother played Warhammer and he tried to get me into it so that he had somebody to beat in games, it seemed, because he would make up rules and it would be along the lines of: when he was rolling to hit me on four dice, he only needed to roll on a successful 2+, but I needed to roll like four sixes to hit him back. And his excuse was, we can read the rulebook if you want and handed me the like the giant thick rulebooks but didn’t explain that most of it was like lore and stuff in there as well and I was just like “Nup! I’m out. Sure, whatever. You win again!” So I never really wanted to play the game when I was younger because I’d just get beat on by him all the time.
Coda – So it’s basically kind of like a mate tossing the controller for a game of Street Fighter and he’s been mainlining the game for a month and you actually don’t know what any of the buttons do so you just sit there flailing.
Ceri – Yeah!
Ceri- So then when I went to uni, I did backstage theater work. So I was able to paint like big sets, like really intricate stuff, but never painted anything smaller. So my partner at the time did Warhammer and I was like, oh, oh, okay I’ll give that a go. So he left me with a Space Hulk Genestealer, a How to Paint Citadel Miniatures book, all the paints and brushes I needed, and left for work and came back to a finished model and had a bit of a “holy crap what you’ve done that!”.
So we went into a Games Workshop store and he said take your pick. So I bought a box of Hormagaunts as my first one because I looked at what everyone else was playing with in the store. I saw Space Marines, Space Marines and, well, more Space Marines. So I decided I didn’t want to do Space Marines, as everyone else does Marines. I wanted to do something different.
Coda – It’s pretty cool that the first miniature you painted was actually Tyranid and that’s you felt naturally drawn too.
Ceri – That’s because it was like the coolest thing that there was in store as well. I didn’t want to paint like human flesh and skin and things and again, because being female, every model was male apart from one army that was, at that time, pretty much OOP. I liked Tyranids because they are cute little creatures with big teeth and that’s probably why I’m drawn to Squigs as well.
Coda – They got the same vibe going?
Ceri – Yeah!
Coda – How did you get into the streaming side of it? Because like you, I know you did the whole like you got as a hobby started working for games workshop did it kind of dovetail in together or how did it actually go down. Like do you end up like going from painting a Genestealer to being on a massive platform for a global company?
Ceri – So it was about five years in the making for it. The first year of my hobby I only painted. Then I went into a games workshop store, so and actually started learning how to play at Covent Garden. Matt, the manager taught me how to play, watched Zoanthropes blow up half his army. And went, “holy crap, what the hell!?!”
Coda – Did you text your brother after the game and say, “what the hell? You don’t need to roll sixes to actually hit you!” at that moment? Did you end up playing him and beating him?
Ceri – It was a little bit of both. It was like, oh, the rules aren’t actually that difficult. And I don’t have to roll any dice as I thought I needed to. But at the same time, I rolled an awful lot of sixes in that game.
Ceri – So then after playing for like a little while and coming out of doing theatre work, I was like, I need a more permanent job. And there was job availability at the Covent Garden and Oxford Street stores. So I applied for Covent Garden but the manager of the Oxford Street store was in the interview as well and half way through, I was talking about like working at Chessington Place and having fun with the kids, jumping in puddles and, you know, always having a smile on my face in his head kind of perked up and was just like, would you be interested in working at the Oxford Street store? I didn’t even know that store existed but I thought, absolutely, why not, so I took the job there.
Ceri – Then I helped open Tottenham Court Road store, then went on to manage Twickenham because I wanted to go and experience my own store and make it mine. Then kind of fell out with things in my life.
So I took some time away from the company and ended up working for Warner Brothers Harry Potter studio tour in retail. While I was there, the job opening came up for WHTV and I went, yeah, I’ll go for it. Like probably not going to get it, you know, just on the back of let’s try a new job sort of thing because I watched it occasionally.
I got the job and then absolutely fell in love with it from the get go, especially the idea of talking to the chat, also being able to talk Warhammer for five days a week and get paid for it was awesome. So yeah, I’m just talking to the world about my hobby. It’s great, but I also got to know the chat so well, as weird as it sounds it sounds, knowing them by them just typing to me. When starting meeting them in real life, like I felt like I was able to have a full on conversation with them because I’ve already been talking to them for like the past year or so.
Coda – I totally get that because you can actually see that coming through, if that makes any sense. Like I was of those people tapping away and you can actually see that community growing around the channel. I think that’s one of the cool things about Warhammer Live, being able to build and foster that community.
Ceri – But then after I left WHTV, one of the things that I missed was just talking to the community.
Coda – That’s where the Hobby Room kind of came into being?
Ceri – Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. It was like I wanted to talk to people again. And then because we were hobbying so much at home, it was like, well, why don’t we just stick a camera on it? And then just, you know, try seeing what would happen and now here we are a year and a bit later and a crazy amount of followers on Twitch.
Hamish – It’s nearly a thousand followers, which is a pretty decent number. We’ve got relatively decent viewer numbers and the people that go about will watch VODs is pretty insane numbers wise as well.
Ceri – And they’re all awesome!
Hamish – Yeah, absolutely. Because they feel like, you know, people in the Discord, it’s got a couple of hundred members and it’s a great place to be and share your hobby and stuff. And it’s a nice family friendly area.
Coda – Yeah. It’s like a cool thing. You’ve made it so anyone can dip your toes in. My experience of the WHTV and now the Hobby Room streaming community is that there’s no elitism and it’s very much, you know, whatever skill level you are currently at is perfectly fine but there is this amazing positive support there if you want to grow as a hobbyist. It’s pretty rare on the Internet to actually find that .
Hamish – One of the biggest things that I sort of said is that and I guess we both agreed on, is that we don’t want anybody to feel alienated or shamed or anything like that about that hobby. It’s your hobby, you’re as good as you are. And as long as you’re happy with it, that’s all that matters.
Coda – I reckon it’s a good thing to base a community around and it actually comes through in the streams as well.
Hamish – So started off as just a way to turn the camera on.
Ceri – Yeah. We were hobbying, so let’s put a camera on.
Above: A few weeks into streaming vs 1.5 years.
Hamish – And it was never like it was only like what about six months ago that I sort of said maybe we should push this a little more and get a schedule going and all sorts. for the first eight months or so we were just trundling along weren’t we, it was definitely a dumpster fire.
Coda – Hey there’s nothing wrong with a good dumpster fire! Like it keeps people warm! It does the job! (context, Coda’s twitch is commonly referred to and very often is a total dumpster fire)
Coda – Were you going for that ‘hanging around at the painting table like a GW’ the effect at the start?
Ceri – To me, it was like that whole relaxed, I’m doing my hobby and I’m just chatting to people that are doing other hobby. As long as the hobby continues to be something that brings people together and if that’s positive, the hobby wins. That hobby can be the reading, the playing, the painting, the building, the collecting, any of it. It’s a personal thing.
So being able to just, you know, have the kind of approach everyone from a “hey, we’re doing hobby, if you like you can join us, chill out and chat.” So there’ll be streams like an hour no one will say anything in the chat but you have a solid amount of people watching…
Coda – Because everyone’s like sitting down and painting, I’ve noticed that, I’ll be listening along head down painting and then realise I don’t touch my keyboard for like about 30 minutes and then saying “I should probably actually write something in the chat.”
Hamish – But that’s the great thing. People get lost in the hobby with us. And it’s one of the big things for me, it’s for people who can’t connect with other people, like they could be a three hour drive from a local GW or they are the only person that plays or paints within 10 hour radius or whatever. You know, it’s a way for them to be able to connect with people online and also be able to share their passion with other people. So whilst it’s over the Internet, it’s still a very intimate sort of thing where we get to sit down with you guys.
Coda – That’s awesome. That’s a ten out ten answer.
Hamish – Also, it’s an achievable hobby standard because we’re both not ‘Eavy Metal painters. I think that’s something else that might put people at ease. People look at other streams and content and like, oh my god, that’s awesome. How do I do that? And then somebody explains it to them and they’re like, what hell that’s impossible!
Coda – Yeah, I totally get that because like I clicked on the Darren Latham video on how to paint faces. I’ve got about two minutes in and said “oh god no, there is no god damn way I could do that” and closed it.
Hamish – I’ve got the fast and loose paint an army really quick method. Ceri ‘s got the more concentrated, the higher detailed method sort of way of painting.
Ceri – And I so I can explain what I’m doing, while I’m painting, because I always have spare models lying around but also I’ve got the knowledge of painting so that we can explain in depth as to how you can get an effect. But just because we’re not doing that effect like doesn’t mean you we can’t talk to you about it.
Coda – It’s like you can instantly provide customised tutorial to someone in the chat going “hey, I’m having trouble with this, can you give me some ideas?” Where else can you really get that way other than physically going to your local GW? Which, you said earlier, that might not be possible for some people for various reasons. Speaking of the hobby, though, like what do you reckon it is at the moment? In terms of your experience with it, what do you reckon it’s going to go in the future in the next couple of years?
Hamish – Yeah, well, so, OK, I’ll answer my version and then Ceri can crack on. Yeah, right. So I think the hobby is in a solid place at the moment in terms of the quality of miniatures and products coming out of GW as a whole are fantastic. Like honestly, they’re not the world’s best miniatures company for just no reason, they put an amazing amount of resources, time and effort into it and it comes through in the quality of the minis.
I mean just look at the Sisters of Battle release. That was absolutely insane, they are beautiful models and they also retain so much of the original set sculpts. To keep that up standard across an entire army range launch is breathtaking.
So I think from GW that doing a real, real good job on the miniatures. In terms of where the hobbies are in gameplay standard, I think there’s definitely a couple of things that slip through the net so every now and then, but when you’re producing so much content there will always be things that slip through. So some of them are rather big oopses, but they do their best to rectify them with an FAQ or errata as soon as they can. Actually on Twitter this morning, somebody was saying how people shouldn’t be allowed to use pre-FAQ codexes and battletomes at events.
Coda – I think I saw the same tweet. I can see where they are coming from.
Hamish – You need these top level players to try them out at these incredible tournaments. Like that’s how you can actually find where the biggest bugs are in the whole thing.
Coda – Yeah, you gotta stress test it.
Hamish – Exactly. And where better to stress test it with the best players in the world at the highest event in the world..
Coda – Yeah, that’s fair. That’s pretty comprehensive as well. What about you Ceri?
There is something for everyone in the hobby at the moment. Whatever you want to do, you can do it and there is content being released for it.
Ceri – There is something for everyone in the hobby at the moment. Whatever you want to do, you can do it and there is content being released for it. If you just like reading the stories, you just like reading the rulebook. You like, you know, religiously building army lists and making your own list better than everyone else’s list and then changing it two minutes later and making another one.
Hamish – Would you say that it’s been a diverse place?
Ceri – Oh, very much so.
Coda – So you’re basically saying it’s a little more depth to what it had like four or five years ago. That’s something I’ve noticed.
Ceri – Oh, yeah. So what I did when I first started working in a store, it was very much like, you know, if you build an army, you paint it and you play the games. But over time it’s then gone to this whole collect, build. paint, play, read.
So Games Workshop has deliberately tried to target every single part of the hobby and make sure that it’s accessible for everyone. So you have all the new starters boxes and stuff. You’ve got the magazines that have been coming out. You’ve got the you know, the army ready boxes kind of thing. And you’ve got the updated rules. You’ve got blood of baal and psychic awakening stuff that that’s deliberately targeting those gamers that want something better for their armies.
Coda – Yeah, but I also found those books are also giving what people like like me that really get into like, oh, I’d like, you know, what happened in this campaign. I want to find out how Trooper Barry of the blood angels became a captain, at this battle kind of thing, so one book that sets out primarily to tweak the rules, they are also thinking about engaging more than one kind of hobbyist.
Coda – So with where the hobby is like sitting, how do you see warhammer streaming fitting into it, not just WHTV but the streaming community in general? Where do you see that and actually spinning off too? Because I noticed there’s definitely a ton of channels of 1 or 2 people popping up but there are these bigger groups like the coverage at the Atlanta Open looking like a professional outfit with like thousands of dollars spent on cameras and NFL game style sponsors. So what’s your take on all that kind of stuff?
Ceri – I just wanted to have my two cents here. You’ve really thought about these questions, hasn’t he?
Coda – Yeah, I try. I try!
Hamish – I think with the streaming scene, if you like. I think much like how GW are proposing the hobby can be five different things, we’ll end up with streams doing similar sort of thing.
So we’ll get the ones that are catered specifically to painting and the ones that are specifically catered more primarily catered to high end gaming events and things like that. I actually think in a way it’s like I said earlier, it’s a way people can enjoy the game and the content without actually having to be there and I think it’s a key part of the hobby now to be able to share what you are doing with battle reports, sharing tactics and things like that. It’s an alternative to going to your local GW and watching a game or nipping over to a tournament and watching the game. It’s nice to watch them while you knock back some tim tam slams.
Coda – Yes!
Hamish – And watching game play from all different areas like the Hobby Room streamed, the purple sparkly unicorns event, in no way was that competitive beardfest. But you you look at the LVO and the Warhammer TV coverage, and that was a competitive beardfest but that’s because it’s that’s what they were showcasing. I think as long as people know what they’re watching on what they are getting into and also as long as the streamers know what they should be streaming, if that makes sense. If you are a primarily competitively focused stream. If you focus on that and improve that as much as you can get the best content for that, then I don’t think you’ll go wrong.
Coda – So if you got the interest that you are going to self propel yourself forward and bring that passion to the screen and that’s probably what’s going to give better value for your time?
Hamish – Yeah, entirely. Mean, I think like not that it’s wrong for people to want to step into different areas. So for example, a certain live stream would want to take you a step away from the hyper competitiveness and just sort of focus on a narrative campaign, for example once a week then that’s perfectly that’s perfectly fine. Just remember that the majority of your user base will be that competitiveness that you previously setup.
Ceri – Oh, yeah. Which is like what we do. We occasionally play a Nintendo switch game or a board game. But we will always come back to sitting at the hobby desk, hobbying, because that’s what the stream is. It’s being able to stick to the objective that you set out to achieve in the first place.
Coda – So it’s kind of like a TV show doing a crossover episode like if that makes any sense.
Hamish – For sure and the more money that gets put into these things, the better quality content, whether that’s Ceri and I sitting at the hobby desk with professional DSLR cameras so you can I see the best detail possible, a battle report with two thousand pound movable cameras or whether it’s about a report by the chat can change the camera angle to view exactly what they want to see, like what we did during our Purple Sparkly Unicorns coverage
Coda – That was actually pretty cool. Cause sometimes you are sitting there and you get what the hosts are talking about but you can’t see it, but with the chat directing we could flick to the area quickly.
Ceri – Yeah. We’ve had feedback that sometimes you can’t see what the host is talking about on the table. Being able to specifically go “Oh. Well, talking about that’s on the left side of the table. So here we go, “view left”. Yeah. Okay. Right. Now I can see what’s going on and what the hosts were talking about.
Coda – That was rad. I think having the table mic’ed up as well so we can hear how you let your talking through stuff, making rules calls and the general banter was really cool as well. I think like now I’m probably getting a bit off topic in the interview, but I think streamers can kind of show how positive the game can be, and umm, hang on I can’t think of the word here.
Hamish – Example?
Coda – That’s the one! Like a good example of this is how you can be competitive, but, you know, not be sitting there going like, oh, you moved a model 0.001 of a inch to far I now win by default kind of attitude.
Ceri – So the difference in perspective I’ve got now with streaming games is that originally I was only ever looking at a table top down. If you only look at the top down view and you see the game a hell of a lot differently.
You get a different perspective on what’s going on on the table top from being that high. Compare that to when you’re playing, you might forget that you can walk around the other side of the table, you know, little things like that. But it puts me in a different mindset for them when I’m actually playing games. Being able to stand at the table and still thinking about, you know, the view that is coming from above, what the other player see, what the the chat can see can help your gaming mindset out as well.
Being mic’ed at the tabletop can show we just want to enjoy our hobby. Yeah, I made a few mistakes at PSU games. That’s pretty normal and they’ve been picked up on YouTube with people watching the games and it’s just like, yeah, people make mistakes at tournaments. I wasn’t that when I wasn’t there to win be this power gamer that wanted to like crushing my opponents. I wanted to have five really fun games with five really nice opponents so that people could watch and enjoy themselves and we did exactly what we achieved with it.
Coda – It was kind of like, you just want to sit down with a friend, have a bit of a drink and talk about like a shared hobby and then a game of warhammer broke out. Is that this other kind of vibe that he’s talking about?
Hamish – Yeah, imagine if you’re in the garden shed with your mate, you make an all the sudden there’s a table that pops up from the ground and you start playing that’s kind of it
Ceri – Although it wouldn’t pop out the ground. It should totally be a permanent thing
Coda – Yeah. Ideally! Seriously if I move house I’ve gotta get a ham room. Getting back on topic, is it weird being recognised in public for Hams?
Ceri – I’ve had people come into my work and I’ve been stood behind the counter like welcoming them in and somebody who suddenly looks up, it goes, oh god, it’s Ceri from WHTV!
Coda – That must be weird!
Ceri – It was weird for the first few months of working for Games Workshop. But you get used to it. When I walked through Warhammer World, I’d suddenly be stopped by someone or I would stop looking at a table and this person would just like full on go into conversation with me and it’s just because I was that friendly face that they like felt that they had that connection to you that they could just talk to me about, which was really nice being asked to sign a Space Marine codex. That was one of the unexpected ones.
Coda – That’s that’s pretty gangster.
Hamish – You’re what I call Warhammer famous it’s different from normal fame I reckon.
Ceri – I don’t get photographed in the street.
Hamish – Yeah you are like you’re like a stealth famous person.
Ceri – Like if you go down to Nottingham town center, most the people in town will just be sat there completely oblivious. But occasionally you’ll just see a head turn.
Hamish – A Double take.
Ceri – Yeah. Like someone will just be like oh my god. I recognise them! There’s a polite smile and nod as you walk past them and just carry on your day. There’s no people rushing around, you know, taking photographs and things like that. It’s just that nice smile of “we got something in common here”.
Coda – There’s no like “Hamarazzi,” like, you know, jumping out the bushes, trying to get a shot of what army you’re working on next. Like it hasn’t hit that level yet.
Ceri – That’s already all over the Internet anyway on my own streams!
Hamish – But also I think it comes down to what the general type of people that play Warhammer. What’s the word?
Coda – Yeah. They usually are pretty chill.
Hamish – The general demographic! There we go. The general demographic of Warhammer players like they’re not necessarily the most outgoing let me take a photo of you all the time, people. .
Ceri – like we all had selfies. The WHTV team have all been in those kinds of photographs.
Coda – So speaking of WHTV, compared to the hobby room, is it different in the way you approach it compared to the more corporate platform on WHTV? Like as a do you feel like you got more freedom to you want, is it more like is it more natural?
Ceri – It’s entirely me. When I was on WHTV, I could be myself but there were times I’d have to put on a little bit more of a professional persona, depending on who I was interviewing, depending on what was going on on the stream. Whereas on my own stream, I’m just I’m just me. It’s 100% me, things like the bad jokes, the terrible puns. The oh no you went outside the lines said a word I shouldn’t have said. It’s still me. I can just be myself on camera and I could on WHTV as well. But it’s just a tiny little bit more freedom.
Hamish – You always had to bear in mind when you were doing the professional stream inside of something like Games Workshop that you are still representing a company and you want to do everything you can to represent them in the best light.
Coda – Actually, I did notice that. When the hobby room started, I was wondering “is there going to be a huge difference”. Then after watching, I was like, “okay no, it was actually like a hundred percent genuine. This is awesome.” It’s kind of a cool moment.
Ceri – It was all me baby!
Coda – So that’s streaming questions done. I would like to get some like more general ones in and there is totally a question at the end and it’s obviously the most important question.
Ceri – Who’s the best Australian that we know?
Hamish – How many Astreaus’s is McKee buying us?
Coda – That’s the second most important question!
Coda – But seriously, this is something we are talking about internally at Goonhammer and I want to get your take on your take on it, because you kind of both seen a lot of the tournament scene and you’re pretty plugged into like the community vibe as well.
Currently we have ITC, ETC, you got what’s going on in Warhammer world. You kind of look at this as three distinct methods of competitive play. Do you reckon it needs to be like a unification of that or like a bit more standardization? Because I imagine it’s pretty hard to write a ruleset that’s that’s tight at a really high level for three slightly, but also critically different variants of the game. Do you have hot takes on that?
Ceri – I don’t think there needs to be any standardization because if you go 30 minutes down the road there will be a completely different meta in a completely different scene. Driving, you know, to the other side of the country that’s a completely different meta, if you go out of the country to say, America or Australia, you get something different again. Each little area has its own style of the hobby based on what they think is cool and good (Coda: Nice.) if there was one tournament pack worldwide then there’d be no reason to go to another country to go and play a tournament. You’d never need to go because you’re playing that style rules in your own place anyway. It’s also not really a different style of the game as the basic stuff remains the same. Let’s say that, instead, there is a slight difference in the tournament pack. For example at No Retreat you play both maelstrom and eternal war missions in one game and it was a completely different experience to me. I was like, how do I play two missions at once?
Coda – I saw something about that. I looked really like a really cool way of playing the game,.
Ceri – It was great because you can lose miserably at the eternal war mission but end up winning amazingly on the maelstrom half.
Coda – I like that it simulates, well, I don’t want to say a proper war, but I like that it gets the chaos of war into the game, sort of like what real life combat is. Everyone’s kind of doing something but always know exactly what the other side’s trying to do. You don’t have that certainty.
Ceri – You aren’t always fighting over that one objective in the middle of the battlefield.
Coda – Yeah, exactly. Like it’s not like, you know, two countries that line up and go, all right. Who takes that hill wins. It’s more it’s more you know, more nuanced than that.
Ceri – So that’s definitely what we did as kids on the playground.
Coda – True, it’s still a valid and awesome way to play the game.
This might be a bit of a bad way of putting it, but when you’re saying what does like regional variance is a kind of like you’re going to go cook a bit of chicken and you took that bit of chook (Editor’s Note: Apparently this is Aussie slang for “chicken”) to a chef in like you in London, you say, okay, make the coolest thing with this bit of chicken that you possibly can. Then you ate it and said, that’s pretty damn good. And then you went to the USA and did the same thing and then France. Is that kind of like the same kind of vibe? Like you get completely different meals compared to where you go based on that one same ingredient.
Hamish – That’s a pretty good analogy.
Ceri – Yep!
Hamish – Yeah. I got a slightly hot take. Well weird take, you know you mentioned your ITC, ETC and then whatever happens at Warhammer World I.e the Chapter Approved missions. Yeah. I think from the perspective of a company they need to acknowledge that there things, but I don’t think they should change their game system to pander to third party things. Does that make sense?
Coda – Yeah, I totally get it. Because like I think once you do that, you lose control of what’s going on.
Hamish – Yeah. That’s not always a bad thing. But I think from GW they should be striving to make the most appealing missions for everybody. So I think it’s worth noting what’s happening and why people are choosing certain things over others or about why people are choosing to run ITC over chapter approved. But I think ultimately I personally prefer all the chapter approved missions. I like the idea that there’s actually more, to me, there’s more tactical nuance than just setting it up and just trying to blow your opponent off the board. Does that make sense?
Coda – Yeah! I’ve definitely noticed that in the CA missions I’ve played.I liked the fact that they’re keeping the greatest hits in every book and that they are tweaking them a bit based on feedback.
Coda – Let’s ask a big question, the most important question.
What is cool? What is good?
Ceri – Coda! Coda is cool and good!
Coda’s Note: I swear she actually said that! CORRODE/CHIR DON’T YOU DARE CENSOR THAT ANSWER! I HAVE THE TAPES!
EDITOR’S NOTE: sighs heavily
Thanks for speaking with us! You can find Ceri and The Hobby Room on the internet here:
The Hobby Room on Twitch
Ceri on Twitter
The Hobby Room Discord
The Hobby Room’s Twitter
Ceri’s Instagram
King Steve’s Insta
And as always, if you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note in the comments below or email us at contact@goonhammer.com.