Age of Sigmar Fourth Edition Points Overview – Order

Goonhammer has received some of the launch content, via Games Workshop, to create this review and overview. Over the coming weeks, and with the benefit of having played dozens of games, we will be having faction experts provide insight into how they are building and running lists with these factions. For this overview we’re looking at what stands out for the faction, how much has changed, and how we would approach dealing with some of the common threats that are present in all wargames.

Cities of Sigmar

Cities of Sigmar Steelhelms. Credit: SRM

[Ed. note: Cities of Sigmar has a mechanic that allows officers and heroes to issue orders. When you see “order” with a lower-case o here, it refers to that mechanic, not the Grand Alliance of Order.] If you have the models there are a lot of really good, really strong combinations of units to be had in a Cities list. The biggest difference with the new order mechanic is that most Regiments led by a foot hero are going to cost between 500-700 points, meaning you could have an elf, dwarf, and human regiment in the same army that functions moderately well. However, many of the units feel aggressively or correctly pointed and you can field a large number of models (if you have access to them). One direction to build is leaning into shooting with the longer-range attacks Greatcannon (130 points) or at shorter range with many of the elf units like Darkshards (140 points) or Dark Riders (150 points). Notably, Freeguild Fusiliers (120), like many shooting units, have lost some range but are aggressively pointed and can even shoot into combat if needed.

Towards the end of third edition there was a popular list that spammed Cavaliers and functioned as an elite force; you can still build in that direction with units like Tahlia Vedra (310 points) or a Dreadlord on Black Dragon (290).

Human units feel well-priced with Steelhelms (100) being cheap, Freeguild Fusiliers seeing a reduction in points, and Freeguild Cavaliers (170) going down in points and getting an extra wound. Pontifex Zenestra (240) went up 60 points but that makes sense considering the power of a Priest (2) in this edition.

Many of the elf units feel aggressively pointed and put out a high volume of attacks that can be further enhanced by the officer order. A 100 point unit of Bleakswords can put out 41 attacks 2/4/0/1 (Crit 2 hits) when contesting an objective you don’t control and receiving the order. Dark Riders have three wounds and a 4+ save and can serve as discount Freeguild Cavaliers if points are tight.

On the Dwarf side, the units are slightly more elite with your troops but they all have strong synergy together and access to wards, bonuses to hit, and basically are sitting on a 3+ save making them stick around much longer than you expect. Longbeards (120), Ironbreakers (130), and Hammerers (150) all feel like they’re going to do well holding points if you have other units that can get into enemy territory.

The biggest offenders of the prior edition, Steam Tanks and Freeguild Command Corps, feel a tad high in points (300 and 190) compared to some other options. They’ve seen reductions in what made them so good, with the board-wide command ability disruption gone and Cities having more points efficient shooting attacks with other units. Gyrocopters have gone up in points to 160 for a single copter and they have a decent profile but investing that much in a 5 health model doesn’t make sense when you look at what else is around (five Cavaliers have the same 3+ save and three wounds each for 10 more points).

Daughters of Khaine

Blood Stalkers, Daughters of Khaine (Photo courtesy of Musterkrux)

Daughters of Khaine have seen more modest points changes for infantry units compared to some other factions, and Sisters of Slaughter and Witch Aelves have different warscrolls depending on the weapon. Morathi-Khaine (760) is still going to serve as the core of many many lists. The relative price of the units makes the non-Morathi-Khaine lists extremely interesting.

Positives include pretty cheap non-hero units. Blood Sisters (140) and Bloodstalkers (140) both feeling points efficient and the Blood Sisters keeping the Crit (Mortal) on a 2 damage weapon feels strong at this price point. Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansa (110) and Witch Aelves with Bladed Bucklers (110) both cost the same. while Sisters of Slaughter with Bladed Bucklers (110) cost less than Sisters of Slaughter with Sacrificial Knives (130). Of these four, the Sisters with bladed bucklers seem to be the best for screening and “defense” with the natural -1 to hit in combat and the Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansa seem to be the best to charge with an additional rend and Crit (autowound). Two units of reinforced Witch Aelves and two units of Sisters of Slaughter with Bladed Bucklers cost 100 points less than Morathi-Khaine.

Marchettus: I don’t want anyone else to get the blame for what I’m going to say because it feels wrong to say but I think that Doomfire Warlocks (150) might be good this edition. They are wizards (to cast the run and charge unlimited spell), can quickly for battle tactics, and have three wounds giving them a low price per wound. Having them behind the stabby elves, buffing them to run and charge, and then screening out teleports, summoning or banishing manifestations, and grabbing points are all useful things.

On a less than positive note, Krethusa The Croneseer (190) has seen only a modest increase in points but requires a Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood or Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood (both 350) to work making that combination nearly a quarter of your available points and adding a second drop.

Compared to some other factions, Daughters players are going to feel pretty good when they look at the overall points situation.

Stormcast Eternals

Stormcast Eternals Prosecutors. Credit: SRM

Stormcast still take up three pages on a points PDF even with several marked for being put into legends in June 2025. For the most part units will have an increase of between 10-30 points compared to where they were at the end of the third edition. Players who picked up the Skaventide box will have a hefty force to start with: Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker (210), Lord-Terminos (170), Lord-Veritant (140), Knight-Questor (150), Reclusians (150), Prosecutors (140), and two units of Liberators (120) adds up to 1,200 points. Of these units the Prosecutors feel really aggressively costed for how fast they can move. While they only have 2 health they get an additional dice when charging and ignore a non-core ability on a 4+ and 140 points is close enough to the cost of a scouting/screening unit in most armies. Gryph-Hounds are generally 0-1 per regiment as they don’t want you flooding the board with cheap wounds in what is supposed to be an elite army. Everything from the Sacrosanct Chamber is expensive as hell, as are most Legends-bound units – now might be the time to run your Sequitors (170) as Liberators The only Stormcast Exemplars (who can also join some regiments along with another hero) are the Knight-Questor and Knight-Vexillor (120), who is a great pick given his ability to pick D3 units wholly within 12″, add 3 to their control score and heal D3 wounds; he’s a genuinely great little support piece and is priced to move at 120.

Building armies is going to feel much closer to the lore as most heroes allow you to take units from a specific chamber (Warrior, Sacrosanct, Ruination, Extremis) with the Higher cost heros like Krondys (540) or Yndrasta (340) allowing for any Stormcast to be taken. This makes list construction a little more restrictive compared to other armies as each additional chamber you take is increasing your drops.

Winners include Ionus Cryptborn (420), who saw a slight increase but is an individually powerful unit with the Priest (2) designation. Being able to chant twice in a hero phase and bank points is powerful and he’s strong in the shooting and combat phase as well. Stormdrake Guard (360) also feel strong at the price point. However, if the early meta is monster heavy (Nagash; Sons of Behemat) they may be vulnerable to armies loading up on anti-monster abilities. Other units that feel aggressive in points are the Vanguard Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (130). Getting run and shoot with 13 attacks and Crit (2 hits) at that price point is attractive before you realize they now save on a 3+.

Losers include all manner of Dracothian Guard (Concussors, Desolators, Fulminators, Tempestors) who have all lost a wound and now cost 250/230/230/210 respectively. With more “anti-charge” units in the game and a lot of other cavalry gaining a wound, they feel slightly overcosted.

Experienced Stormcast players are used to looking at a menu of options and attempting to maximize output based on some relative points changes. Once the new book is released (hopefully with some new models that haven’t been shown) they’re going to begin the work in earnest of trying to put together the best lists. Now Vanquishers (110), Vindictors (110) and Liberators all have specific roles. If you’re concerned about holding backline objectives, Liberators have a slight bonus to control. Vindictors that don’t charge can cause a unit that did charge to strike-last. Vanquishers get a bonus to rend against infantry and additional damage against larger units.

Lumineth Realm-lords

Bonesplitterz vs Lumineth. Credit: Matthew Ward and Matthew Gouldsborough

Lumineth players should be pretty happy with their points overall. You’re going to be able to run whatever you want and most lists might have a few extra points compared to the prior edition if you were running Teclis (590) who can still serve a similar role as a as a strong caster.

Winners include Dawnriders (210) who, despite a huge points increase, have a warscroll that has improved with a better save, more health, a much better charge ability, and a better weapon profile.  Wardens and Bladelords (both 140) feel appropriate and can continue to serve as the backbone of your army. Avalenor (410) is expensive but has a great mele profile is the kind of unit you want on the field when everyone gets the ability to countercharge.

The relative losers include Sevireth (350) who, in addition to seeing a points increase, is limited to taking Hurakan and Wardens in their regiment. As a Warmaster this limits who can receive the GHB benefits. Another relative loser is Ellania and Ellathor (280) who have access to a much less impactful Total Eclipse and movement shenanigans but don’t jump out as points efficient. The Starshard Ballista (130) is cheaper compared to a lot of artillery but got worse.

Idoneth Deepkin

Raf’s Allopex. Credit: Raf Cordero

Deepkin feel like they received the standard 10-30 point increase that many factions did. The Faction Pack is encouraging different styles of play, meaning you should have enough toys to build a list if you’ve followed the Deepkin meta of the past few editions (you already know getting all those sharks was a temporary choice).

The most significant increase came to the Akhelian Leviadon (500), probably a conservative reaction to a model that now provides a 5+ ward to Deepkin wholly within 6″ and has an improved melee profile. As an army that has typically struggled with Mortal Damage the turtle is going to get a lot of looks in listbuilding. Similarly, Volturnous (270) saw an increase in points but is from a technical sense “very good”.

Not everything saw an increase for having good abilities; Isharann Soulscryer (120) saw a decrease in points and can bring your units travelling the eathersea to be within 7″ of your opponent. Reavers (130) saw a big decrease in points but have a worse warscroll to compensate. Reavers are likely good bait to set up a countercharge with a better unit but are still more expensive than Thralls (120) who feel aggressively costed and no longer have to fear 2 wound models. Even better, the Thrallmaster (130) can fit as Akhelian Raidmaster into a regiment with Volturnous or Akhelian King (200). A second regiment with more thralls can have Lotann (110) joining a Tidecaster (150) , Soulscryer (120) , or Soulrender (140) as an Isharann Emissary

Ishlaen Guard (180) and Morrsarr Guard (170) saw some slight increases in points but are important for getting battle tactics and getting into combat, and they still get force multiplied by several of the buffing units.

Relative losers are the Akhelian Allopex (190) who can’t be reinforced and lost some range on their shooting attacks. The Aspect of the Sea (350) and the Aspect of the Storm (330) saw some big points increases and might be hard to fit into a list that also includes another big hero or Leviadon. However, I hesitate to call them “losers.” The Aspect of the Sea has a specific ability that counters control reduction that could be a meta pick as the edition evolves, and the Aspect of the Storm is the best vessel in the army for some powerful traits and artefacts.

Deepkin lists have traditionally gone very deep into a narrow and specific unit choice, like Reavers, or eels, or sharks to take advantage of a relative advantage in the faction’s internal balance. Now, with the way that Battle Formations are structured and a more open faction pack I’d expect to see more mixed lists that can compete in different phases with different units.


Seraphon have have a big range of models and they have traditionally been one of the best factions at adapting to changes in the meta. The second edition book took nerf after nerf after nerf and just kept floating to the top of the meta. Now in fourth edition, Seraphon are confronting a world where they don’t get extra command abilities and can’t summon units. Points, outside of a few units, are pretty in line with what you saw before.

Some units with big increases like Kroxigor and Kroxigor Warspawned (220 for both) have seen a big glow-up in their warscroll and should be able to melt infantry or monsters. Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (270) and Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (330) are more expensive but the Carnosaur profile. Other units with big increases feel like losers such as the Spawn of Chotec (170) that received a big points increase but no new abilities. Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek (270) is another unit that feels overcosted relative to other choices in that range as it use to be the “budget” bastiladon. Monster Mash enthusiasts have attractive pointing for the Engine of the Gods (210) and Stegadon (240), so that list should still be viable.

Raptadon Chargers and Hunters (140 each) both gained a wound and lost points, making them one of the most attractive units early in the edition. The Hunters are able to shoot a unit that was charged by the Chargers that gives the Hunters +1 to hit. The shear number of wounds and low cost relative to other 3 wound calvary means that a flexible seraphon army that moves quickly is a new possibility.

Aggradon Lancers (210) saw an increase in points but gained movement, and do additional damage on the charge, and are a great target to “Power Through” after charging. The ability to use them to countercharge your screen of Saurus Guard (110) feels like a winning combo. Saurus Guard dropped 40 points to compensate for “only” giving a 5+ ward to Slanns and retain a 3+ save.

Kroak (460) saw a minor increase in points and will still find himself in a lot of lists. The Slann Starmaster (280) is a power level 3 wizard that has the ability to bring back friendly units that died on a 4+, but lost the bodyguard rule from the Saurus Guard.

Like many armies, Seraphon can still build into the lists that were popular in the past few editions even with some points increases and rule changes. The removal of summoning has made one of the “popular” builds no longer viable but attractively-priced fast units are going to open up a lot of tactics. The points are pointing you in a more physical direction that is less reliant on casting and lets you compete in multiple phases.


Sylvaneth Kurnoth Hunters with Greatswords
Sylvaneth Kurnoth Hunters with Greatswords. Credit: chimp

Most Sylvaneth players are going to be happy with their points, as most units received big decreases or stayed at the same place. Some of the points drops are so drastic you might find yourself with an extra unit or two on the table. The biggest adjustment is going to be managing drops instead of battleline requirements. In the past, Sylvaneth could make nearly anything battleline through certain general or subfaction rules or abilities. Now, outside of the Arch-Revenant (170) who is limited to Archers and Kurnoth, and the Branchwych (120), every hero can take any Sylvaneth letting you mix in Kurnoth and Spite-revenants in the same regiment. Even Belthanos (330) and Drycha Hamadreth (310) can take any Sylvaneth. However, without using an auxiliary slot you can’t take a second caster in many regiments and you’re going to want to replace your trees.

This makes Alarielle the Everqueen (680) a huge winner with her big drop in points. She has been a staple in lists over the past few editions and is a Wizard (3) that can bring back a destroyed unit every battle round. Another huge winner are the Gossamid Archers (120) who have gone from fighting with Kurnoth with Bow/Sword/Scythes (200/220/200) to fighting with Dryads (110) and Tree-Revenants (110). The world around the Gossamid Archers has changed too – more units having shorter shooting ranges means the 24″ threat range is still strong. Revenant Seekers (200) lost 20 points while Spiteriders Lancers (210) gained 30, but now look extremely attractive in comparison to the de-tuned melee Kurnoth Hunters.

There aren’t too many losers in this points pack. The Arch-Revenant (170) feels a little high but most factions have seen multiple support heroes go up in cost. Conceptually, one of the fun builds that was available to a lot of players is the “Oakenbrow” build where you ran a bunch of big trees. Now that the Treelord (260) is a hero, you’re giving up a lot of drops to get this build. Even though he can tag along as a forest sentinel with some models, building into this is going to be more difficult. However, I think that leaning into an “All-X” build is going to be more of a meme this edition.


Insta: bair_paints

Bair: Look, this is my favourite faction in Age of Sigmar. It just is. So if it seems like I have more thoughts on these guys that the others…well I just do as one of my main three armies and the one I’ve played longest, since they first came out and I had to run minimum 90 Vulkite Berzerkers for them to work. I am so glad we’re past that!

The big thing here in list building is that only Doomseekers (110) and Grimwraths (110) can go into other heroes’ regiments, only 0-1 per hero, and not even in all of the heroes either; they are limited to just Runefathers, Runesons, and Runemasters. If you wanted to keep running a dozen of these guys you can but you’ll be handing over a CP to your opponent with the insane number of aux detachments you’re running. If you’re happy to do that then just take 18 Grimwraths and call it a day. Other than that there are no restrictions on which hero can take which unit, they’re all “Any Fyreslayers”. All foot-heroes have seen reasonable increases too except for the Battlesmith dropping to 110. The most significant increases here are Runefather (160), Runemaster (190), and Runeson (130) which are all 50-60 points higher.

Speaking of Vulkites they come in two flavours with shields (150) and with fyresteel weapons (140). You don’t have to make choices any more about axes or picks, either, it’s just a “fyresteel weapon” with no granular difference at all. Shields are going to be the more popular pick, I think, run in units of 20 to sit on objectives, dish out some damage, tank a surprising amount, and deal mortals when they do die.

Magmadroths also come in three flavours, Runefather (350), Runesmiter (360), and Runeson (300). Each have their own uses and feels costed appropriately, Runesmiters are probably the best utility to have in your list if you’re only doing a single ‘droth.

This is a short roster, so the last units to mention are Auric Hearthguard (130) which are finally finally great to have in an army alongside Hearthguard Poleaxes (140) and Broadaxes (120). The Poleaxe variant is pretty unanimously just better when looking at the warscroll so it makes sense to cost more; running two reinforced units of either is the difference of 80 points, nearly enough for another hero! Finishing off with the Warcry warband and first unit added to the range since the army’s inception in first edition: Vulkyn Flameseekers (160).

Kharadron Overlords

Credit: Bair

First off, to get it out of the way, other than the Admiral (180) and Brokk (290) you’re only allowed 0-1 Sky Vessel per regiment. Drekki (180) is only allowed up to a single Frigate instead. Other than that, any hero can take any unit. Endrinmasters (130/220), Codewrights (110), Navigators (130), and Khemists (140) are all “Guild Officers”. Admirals, Brokk, and Drekki, can each take up to one Guild Officer in their regiment.

Boats are not cheap by any means. Ironclads (500), Frigates (320), and Gunhaulers (200) all mostly feel about right, except for the Gunhauler which just feels too expensive to actually put into lists effectively.

Then there’s the infantry, and man am I excited about Arkanaut Company at a cheap 110 points. These guys got so much better and are still cheap as anything to field! You love to see it. Thunderers (140) are a good deal more expensive and it’s a bit harder to gauge exactly how to use them with shooting that mostly wounds on a 4+ and no way to improve that they’re no longer the ranged powerhouse they once were; but with 20 wounds and a 3+ save a reinforced unit will take work to shift. Lastly the hotly contested Skywardens (150) and Endrinriggers (130). Looking at only their warscrolls they seem fairly similar in damage output with the former coming out just a little better and being able to retreat from combats while the latter heals your boats instead. However, at that cost difference it’s difficult for me to put Skywardens in any of my lists; paying 300 points for 6 models, 12 wounds, of 4+ save is just insane.

Kharadrons come out…kind of expensive, actually. They want to build as a low drop army so are restricted in number of heroes and the way transports work restricts how many heroes can tag along with units for buffs. It’s an elite, expensive, army that lack some free stuff armies get: faction terrain and manifestations. No terrain is fine, but manifestations are, in a lot of ways, just free units. Without them I was really hoping Kharadrons would be a bit cheaper.

Building Lists and Taking Names

It is sort of amazing how some of these armies haven’t, actually, changed much at all when you look at the contents of a list where some others have changed pretty drastically. Some players are going to have a harder time deciding what needs to go and what stays in their lists.

Do let us know down below what you think about some of these points, is your army suddenly much more expensive to field? Are you still going to take Battleline-type units?

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