Age of Sigmar Fourth Edition Points Overview – Destruction

Goonhammer has received some of the launch content, via Games Workshop, to create this review and overview. Over the coming weeks, and with the benefit of having played dozens of games, we will be having faction experts provide insight into how they are building and running lists with these factions. For this overview we’re looking at what stands out for the faction, how much has changed, and how we would approach dealing with some of the common threats that are present in all wargames.

All the faction packs have been released, and as you read this Games Workshop has released the points, so now we’re going to talk initial list construction. Like Nagash in Death, Kragnos is a part of every Destruction faction and has an independent warscroll. Unlike Nagash in Death he doesn’t seem to be particularly overpowered to the point that you should consider him in any army. Getting an extra dice on the charge is a powerful benefit but Nagash working as a force multiplier and spell user makes his presence in a Death Army much more synergistic.


Ironjawz collection. Credit: Rich Nutter

Ironjawz points feel a little rich overall. There are some positive changes to the faction and warscrolls but there really aren’t any extra points to be found. With the change to mighty destroyers and the loss of the triple command from the Megaboss the 4″ movement on foot units feel a little more punishing at the point levels especially since other slow armies often have options to enter from deepstrike or reposition a number of units each turn. Hand of Gork is much more limited in how you can move units and you’re often going to want to hang around your support heroes.

Brutes (200) received a big glow-up with a lower save and extra base damage, and they are well suited for the new combat ranges. The “Big Pig” trio of the Tuskboss on Maw-grunta (300), Maw-grunta Gougers (220), and Maw-Grunta with Hakkin’ Krew (270) all went up in points as well. The Megaboss (230) feels expensive even if he can buff the attacks characteristic for multiple units of Brutes. Support units like the Weirdnob Shaman (130), Zoggrok Anvilsmasha (210), and the Ardboy Big Boss (130) all saw big increases in points. Zoggrok Anvilsmasha feels bad since his he only gets +1 to the roll to add Crit (Mortal) and companion weapons no are no longer affected. Brute Ragerz (140) and Weirdbrute Wrekkaz (130)

Bright spots include the ever popular Gore-gruntas (190) who gained an additional save and the Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (420) and the Warchanter (120) who is a proper priest. Ardboyz received a slight discount (180) but it’s not enough to offset the increase in the buffing units cost.

Opponents are likely to see the first few Ironjawz armies looking very similar to what we’ve traditionally seen on the field – a lot of Goregruntaz, a Mawcrusher or two, and a few warchanters as support heroes. I could see a Maw-grunta Gougers joining for the strike-last effect.


Kruleboyz Swampboss Skumdrekk on Sludgeraker Beast. Credit: Colin Ward

Marchettus: Due to the way that that Kruleboyz have completely changed I’ve likely spent more time building new lists with them compared to any other faction. Most are bad, some are weird, but unlike the last edition there seem to be several viable ways to build. With the new status of Kruleboyz having functional army rules and actual units with abilities that work there is a real sticker shock looking at the cost of Gutrippaz (170), a Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof (220) points, or a Murknob (120) points.

I’ve really tried to keep to two drops or less to try to get Seize The Centre as a tactic in most games and this brings back another familiar issue for Kruleboyz players – fitting hero units into your builds. While a single Killaboss with Stab-grot can join a regiment as a Mob Wrangler, every other hero represents another drop or auxiliary slot. Alongside my first turn battle tactic anxiety is my personal fear, not shared with others at Goonhammer, that early events will see a lot of Megas since they’re already produced and I think they work well on tactics. Regiment 1 is led by a Killaboss on Corpse-rippa Vulcha (290) with the Slippery Skumbag battle trait and the eyebiter ash for a -1 to hit and wound once per game. He’s joined by two reinforced units of Hobgrots (100 for ten), and a Killabow (Now with two shots at 160 points). For my second drop I would pick the Warmaster Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork (380 points), for his double cast and mobility. He’s joined by the Marshcrawla Sloggoth (190), a reinforced unit of gutrippaz and two single unit of of Monsta-killaz (120) to hopefully get two gargants to Strike-Last in the same combat. The Battle Formation is the unimaginative “Swamp Shroud” to keep from getting rocks thrown at me.

A much more fun list, and one that I don’t think could have been attempted in serious play, is three drops and includes a Snatchaboss on Sluderaker Beast (320) with Egomaniack and Mork Eye Pebble, and a unit of gutrippaz. The second regiment is a Mirebrute Troggoth (220) and three units of gutrippaz. Finally, the last regiment includes another Mirebrute Troggoth, a Killaboss with Stab Grot (130) , and two Marshcrawla Sloggoths. Of course, we are taking Trophy Finga, for the “Meanest Beasts” trait that gives Crit (2 Hits) on all of our companion weapons. Is it worth it to give up on casting and shooting to just get into your opponent and smash face? Probably not. Is it fun to play with the new abilities in a new edition? Absolutely.

The Killaboss with Stabgrot that can give a unit of Kruleboyz Infantry +1 to hit and wound if he is wholly within the unit that uses All-out Attack. Additionally, the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof can give +1 to hit to a Kruleboyz Infantry while it is contesting an objective. I’m not sure if that’s points efficient compared to taking another unit of Gutrippaz, Hobgrots, or Monsta-killaz.

Speaking of Monsta-killaz, most of the units feel balanced except for them. At 120 points they feel seem undercosted relative to other infantry options. You get 4 more wounds, with a better save and melee profile, than hobgrots for 20 extra points. Compared to Gutrippaz you give up 6 wounds and save 50 points. One downside is that you can’t reinforce them, however, abilities like the Marshcrawla Sloggoth and Sneaky Sneakin’ work on units with 10 or fewer models.

Sons of Behemat

Team Zissou Mancrusher Gargant by Fowler

The important thing to know is that you can still take King Brodd (520) and three other Mega-Gargants, as long as one of them is a Beast-smasher (470), Kraken-eater (470) or Warstomper (460). Add two Gatebreakers (500) and you’re basically done with a list, right? Who needs a single Mancrusher Gargant (160) or the triplet Mancrusher Mob (420) for completing battle tactics and grabbing objectives? Kragnos (680), as well as any of the other Megas leading a regiment, can add in a second non-unique Mega as an Eager Lout keeping your drops from getting out of control. From a list construction King Brodd feels essential since his prayer can heal, add to movement, or add to the rend of your main weapon. Outside of that, knowing the missions you’re playing at an event feels like a big factor in the list you attempt to create. If you’re see a lot of six objective missions, or even scorched earth with eight, having some extra single Mancrushers can help threaten those objectives. The most interesting choice is how you’re going to split between Mancrushers and big lads and if the Mancrushers are a Mob or single. If you take two big lads most of the time you can fit in two mobs and a single Mancrusher on the side.

Another consideration for Sons are the Regiments of Renown. Big Grikk’s Kruleshots (340) doesn’t slot in perfectly but Braggit’s Bottle-satchaz (490) are a simple replacement for a Mega that gives you access to some faster units for objective holding and a wizard unit that can summon manifestations. Most of the construction options are going to be related to the enhancements that are taken and how you want to approach the battlefield. Sons are part of a strong cohort of monsters like Nagash that could cause people to load up on anti-monster units and abilities early in the edition.

Ogor Mawtribes

Frostlord on Stonehorn from Games Workshop. An ogre riding atop a mighty moss green, ivory horned beast.

Ogor Mawtribes players had a lot of concern for the planned nature of the Allegiance abilities and were horrified by the loss of the ward on the Frostlord on Stonehorn (360) and Stonehord Beastriders (290). Many players were hearing about most warscrolls going up 10-15% and fearing the worst. Outside of the Bloodpelt Hunter (170), Mournfang Pack (200), Gorger Mawpack (260) and the two artillery pieces, most points have stayed the same or come down meaning there will be more hungry hungry ogors on the field. Ogors also have fewer restrictive regiment options now with the Frostlord and Tyrant being able to take any Ogor Mawtribe unit. This is a really welcome change and the flexibility will let a key unit of Ironguts or Beastriders supplement your force.

The remaining Beastclaw raiders are attractively priced with the Frostlord on Thundertusk and Huskard on Stonehorn sitting at 300 points each. Thundertusk Beastriders are 240 and the Huskard on Thundertusk only costs 30 more points at 270.

Even better, the gutbusters side saw points points decreases for Ogor Gluttons (220) and Leadbelchers (140) with Ironguts (240) staying the same points. These units are going to be difficult to shift off of points and they feel very efficient. The Gorger Mawpack (260) feels a little expensive but they have an extra wound and attack. Gnoblars (120) are the cheapest 20 man unit in the game but have a significantly worse ability.

Maneaters (170) and Mournfang Pack feel a little overcosted and are the closet thing to losers in the pack. The Gnoblar Scraplauncher (180) and the Ironblaster (240) both feel a little too expensive when you could replace them with a unit of gluttons or Leadbelchers.

Ogor players should be happy with the overall points situation. The biggest issue with the army is that Ogors actually used several of the underworlds warbands and they’re no longer available. Having more of the “Monster Trucks” is a style that they want to play into and the lower points cost mean more get on the table. Gluttons at 220 are going to be extremely hard to shift and a reinforced unit might be impossible to move.

Gloomspite Gitz

Gloomspite Gitz Loonboss. Credit: SRM

Gloomspite Gitz went from one of the worst books in the game, to a holy terror on multiple fronts, to an army with well-defined strengths that was probably properly balanced by the end of last edition. We generally liked the rules set in the Faction Pack and the points feel really good overall especially considering how other factions have faired once points were added on. From a list construction focus Skragott (220), Kragnos (680), and Trugg (360) allow you to take units from any one of the subfactions. After that you’re looking at Moonclan (including squigs), Spiderfang, and Troggoths each leading a regiment full of similar units.

Winners include Squig Herd (100) who, despite losing a wound and seeing a maximum control of 1, are now absolute blenders who can chew through screens and trade with most other units that cost the same. The Dankhold Troggoth (180) hasn’t changed points but is an extremely hard hitting unit. Boingrot Bounderz (120) lost a save, didn’t receive an increase to Health, and have a weaker mortal damage charge effect. However, they’re still winners because they’re fast, get bonus damage on the charge, and are now cheap enough to throw away. The Rabble-Rowza (120) is cheap enough, and has a strong enough of a deepstrike ability, that he is worth including in a list if you’re going to take the Manglers Squigs (220). Rockgut Troggoths (170) have a flat three damage profile and feel points efficient.

Moonclan Stabbas (140) feel like a much better choice compared to Moonclan Shootas (160) and the Snarlfang Riders (130) have traded a weird unleash hell ability for a cheeky movement in the opponents phase that could really mess up opponents’ battle tactics.

Some units have great abilities but feel a little overcosted. Fellwater Troggoths (180) cost as much as a Dankhold Troggoth and now have a 5+ save and have lost the ability to unleash hell to activate the vomit attack. All of the big Spiders, the Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarock Spider (320), Arachnarock Spider with Flinger (290), Arachnarock Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (280), and Skitterstrand Arachnarok (250) feel overcosted and, as we’ve said before, we expect an “anti-monster” meta to be in place to counter Nagash, Garagants, and all the cool and fun models people want to use. Even the lowly Webspinner Shaman (140) now costs a lot more even if he has a cheeky teleport.

Despite any of the negatives the Gloomspite Gitz point situation feels very good overall at the start of the edition. Getting tactics should be easy since you have so many cheap units for screening, scouting, blocking, killing, and sitting on points. Gloomspite get a lot of synergy for staying with similar units but Skragrott and Trugg are both well pointed for what they do that you’ll have at least one regiment where you can mix in some units as a counter.

Bair: Just adding in as someone that has been mainly playing with Trugg, a bunch of Rockguts, some Dankholds, and supporting wizards/grots I’m pretty happy that my list is virtually unchanged and still very good.

Putting It Together

Gloomspite Gitz and Kruleboyz players should be pretty happy with where points shook out even if some specific units feel a little expensive. Gargant Players are basically in the same point they’ve been in since inception with four megas being a possibility but including some smaller mancrushers being the optimal choice. Ogors received some points decreases and dodged the majority of points increases and should be happily bullying other factions off points. Ironjawz seem to be overcosted relative to some other factions especially when you look at the support characters. Hopefully we’re wrong about the last one.

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