The Goonhammer group is made up of dozens of multi-talented authors, many of whom have other projects outside of the site. In addition to their work here, Dan Boyd and Crudblossom “Coldgore “Netlist “Crimbles “Cracklins “Cranky “Krampus “Cribble “Tikrimba “Crimbles “Dimple “SRM” Bulembubbuh” McCulkin” McAndcheese” Rangoon” Slim” McLungpants” McWAAClin” McDribble” McJamboree” McWumba” McLobsterfest have their own podcast, the 40K Badcast, which is not owned by nor affiliated with Goonhammer, but is still very cool and good all the same.
Y’all, this episode is so long. If you start it on a Wednesday, you won’t finish it until that same Wednesday, but like two hours later. Crazy, right? Anyways, in this show, the fellas argue about Kill Team, Dan talks about his big win in the Big Easy, and everyone loses their shit over Grimaldus, but can they really be blamed for that last one? No jury would convict!