The Goonhammer group is made up of dozens of multi-talented authors, many of whom have other projects outside of the site. In addition to their work here, Dan Boyd and Crudblossom “Coldgore “Netlist “Crimbles “Cracklins “Cranky “Krampus “Cribble “Tikrimba “Crimbles “Dimple “SRM” Bulembubbuh” McCulkin” McAndcheese” Rangoon” Slim” McLungpants” McWAAClin” McDribble” McJamboree” McWumba” McLobsterfest have their own podcast, the 40K Badcast, which is not owned by nor affiliated with Goonhammer, but is still very cool and good all the same.
Rejoice, Horndogs, because the Badcast is BACK, BAY BAY! This time, Dan rummages through his basement, Campbell once again paints entire starter boxes of minis, and the fellas realize that this episode is Oops, All Faith! Hallelujah! Additionally, we’ve started a new charity challenge for listeners: Donate $50 or more to the Texas Equal Access Fund and send a screenshot of the donation along with your name and mailing address to, and we will send you a set of Badcast objectives! Donate at!