The Space Marine Legions of the First Founding make up the core factions and conflict of the Horus Heresy. In this article, our sixteenth dive into the pre-Heresy archives, we wade through an ocean of blood to find out more about the mighty XII – the World Eaters.

“The treachery of many who were to turn their backs on the Emperor is often shocking and near unbelievable, even with the false clarity of hindsight… but in truth neither of these things can truly be said of the XII Legion… monsters long before Horus became corrupted, and monsters they remained…”
Welcome back to our Legion Overview series here on Goonhammer, where we’re looking at the mighty World Eaters – Angron’s gore-soaked hounds, masters of closer-quarters combat and the shock assault. The XII were a Legion deeply steeped in tragedy from the beginning – the moment the Emperor seized Angron at Desh’elika Ridge he set them on a blood-stained path that would eventually lead to the dark apotheosis of their Primarch on Nuceria. The story of the World Eaters legion is the story of sons trying to emulate a father that had gone mad.
“…for the World Eaters to be assigned to a campaign meant only one thing for the enemy – extermination.”

As with every Legion, the origins of the World Eaters are shrouded in fog, and trying to discern their history is primarily guesswork and supposition. Nonetheless, it is known that the XII were not always called the World Eaters – they began their wars in the Emperor’s name as the War Hounds. The XII, unlike some of their fellow Legions, did not take their initial Terran recruits from any one locality or principality. Rumours hold (although, perhaps, these are simply trying to apply some reason to the madness of the XII) that their recruits were psychologically screened to be inherently aggressive or competitive. Whatever the actual reason, it cannot be denied that from their first engagements, the XII marked themselves out as “warriors hot-blooded and savage.”
The War Hounds found themselves oddly under-utilised in the latter stages of the Unification Wars, and the early steps to take the Sol System. Why the Emperor wouldn’t let loose his hounds is unclear, but he kept the XII in a state of constant readiness and training, with only sparing engagements. After one of these rare early battles, the bloody pacification of the Cephic Hives, the legion took a red hound for their war-badge.
Then came the Cerberus Insurrection – the first true test of the War Hounds. 3 million indentured habitants of an asteroid prison colony rose up to throw off their shackles – led, some whispered, by rogue Thunder Warriors who had survived the post-Unification purges. Deep in the backline of the growing Crusade front, they represented a threat to the fragile early authority of the Imperium. The Emperor’s will was simple. His Hounds were to reclaim the colony, and make clear His wroth. The War hounds attacked at 0300. Five hours later, the signal of Compliance was transmitted. The reserve fleets asked how many prisoners were awaiting transfer – for there had been millions within the Cerberus colony.
The reply from the War Hounds Praetor-Commander was simple: He had not been asked to take any.
The after-action reports spoke of a charnel house, with senior commanders decrying it as “inhuman butchery,” and a “necessary evil” (but an evil nonetheless). This reputation for unrivalled violence would stay with the legion, carrying them through to the 41st Millenium.
As the Crusade continued, the XII was broken up into smaller sub-commands of several thousand Legionaries, sent out as roving warbands alongside Imperial Army groups and fellow Legions. A dark reputation went with them, with stories circulated of human auxiliary regiments being put to the sword alongside the enemy if they did not “keep up” or perform adequately, and bloodshed between brothers within the XII was alarmingly high with intercinine rivalries and clashes both on the field and off of it. Crusade command began to use the XII more as a blunt instrument than as a fighting force to achieve precise military aims. If the enemy had to be crushed, you would send the XII. Anything else more complex or subtle was arguably beyond them.
Accompanying the War Hounds were the more degenerate and brutish of the Imperial forces, from the Numen Gun Clans to Legio Audax. Sanguinius himself described it as a “carnival of monsters” for the Emperor’s own amusement, but conceded that he doubted “whoever He unleashes them upon will see the jest.”
And then… the Emperor found His Red Angel.

Angron’s story is the bleakest of all the known Primarchs. He landed upon the red sands of Nuceria as a child and was – uniquely amongst his brothers – captured and enslaved. Not exalted as a leader, but a mutilated gladiator, implanted with barbaric xenotech known as the Butcher’s Nails, which wove themselves into his brain and complex genehanced nervous system. The physical and psychological damage done by the Nails was irreversible, and deadened all sensations save those associated with pain and aggression. If Angron did not kill or maim, he could not feel. It was the only way to ease his suffering, even for a time. Little wonder this slowly drove him insane.
Still, Angron chafed at his chains and the injustices of his slavery. He found comfort and fraternity in his brothers and sisters in the slave pits and led them in a bloody rebellion against their masters. The effort was valiant, just and, ultimately doomed. Angron’s forces found themselves hopelessly outnumbered and outmatched at the Desh’elika Ridge and on the night before their final battle the Emperor arrived and bid Angron join his Great Crusade. Prepared to lay down his life for the cause, Angron refused. The Emperor, seeing Angron as too valuable an asset to lose to the battle (and the planet’s lords too valuable an asset to the Imperium to depose), stole Angron away, plucking him aboard his flagship as the battle began. Angron’s followers – Angron’s friends – were slaughtered as he watched from orbit. Angron became known on Nuceria as a coward who had run from the battle he had started.
This betrayal scarred him deeply, and fostered an enduring hatred of his gene-father, which would blossom into full betrayal at the turn of the Heresy. Angron was given his Legion, meeting them upon the world of Bodt. Renaming them his World Eaters, he instilled a grim regime of punishment and conflict, encouraging fighting pits and gladiatorial combat, even to the death.
Worse, the Legionaries began to experiment (with Angron’s encouragement) with implanting cruder versions of the Nails implanted in Angron’s skull, a form of mass psycho-surgery following the Massacre at Ghenna. Many of Angron’s fellow Primarchs were appalled at what the XII was becoming – unhinged lunatics in their eyes, unable to be trusted or relied on in battle. Under Angron’s leadership, the World Eaters did little to deny the accusation that they were blunt instruments of the Emperor’s fury. As the World Eaters became estranged from the Legions, Horus stood by his brother – as did the Khan – and the Warmaster’s support for Angron made the Red Angel easy prey to the Arch-Traitor’s lies.
Credit: @8er_of_worlds
During the Heresy
“…wishing once more to bring the World Eaters back to the fold, the Emperor turned to Horus… in this was a terrible and grievous miscalculation made, for Horus had become himself corrupted by the Warp and in Angron’s wrathful heart bitterness soon became treachery.”
The World Eaters were one of the first Traitor Legions, participating in the brutal atrocities at Isstvan III (against their own Legion) and in the Drop Site Massacre. Angron’s actions at Isstvan III were, ironically, a blessing for the Loyalist cause, as he chose to take the fight to his loyal sons in hand to hand combat rather than exterminate the planet from orbit as Horus had wished. This foolish action ground the fighting on for an extended period, when Horus had needed a swift victory.
Following the Isstvan campaign, the World Eaters became a roving force, murdering their way towards Terra. Horus directed Angron towards Ultramar, the blessed realm of Guilliman, and the World Eaters are then best known for their work in the Shadow Crusade with Lorgar. Between them, the Word Bearers and World Eaters, slaughtered billions in the Five Hundred Worlds, killing numerous planets such as Armatura and, eventually, Nuceria.
Upon Nuceria, Angron would be tricked (or, some would say, gently led) by his brother Lorgar into dark apotheosis, ascending in combat with Guilliman to become a Daemon Prince – the Red Angel turned Daemon.
From there, the gore-slick path to Terra was clear.
Legion Special Rules
The World Eaters rules are found in the current edition of the “Red Book” – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions. We will start, as ever, with looking at their special rules, unique to the mighty XII.
- Incarnate Violence – Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) can re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 on any turn when they charge into combat (unless it is Disordered). They also get +1 WS in a Challenge.
- Bloodlust – After winning an assault, a model with this special rule must always make their consolidation moves towards the nearest enemy unit they have the ability to harm (so, I guess, watch out for that Melta Bomb on the Sergeant, as it means this will be any vehicle!). If a unit with this special rule fails a Morale Check after being defeated in combat, before you Fall Back roll a dice. On a 4+ you do not flee, and are subsequently subject to the Rage special rule until the end of the game.
- (Optional, Traitors only) Blood Madness – This replaces Bloodlust above if you wish. You gain Rage and must always make Sweeping Advances if able, but cannot voluntarily Go to Ground or fail a Morale check. You must always Consolidate towards the nearest enemy unit you are able to harm.
- Exhortation of Butchery – If a model with this special rule joins a unit of Infantry with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule, then they can choose to activate this special rule at the start of any Assault phase. Each model in the unit they have joined gets +1 A for the duration of that Assault phase. However, at the end of the Assault phase, roll a dice for each surviving model in that unit who was affected by this rule. On a result of a 1, that model is slaim outright with no saves of any kind possible. This rule does not affect Characters.
The World Eaters are a bit odd in that you can technically choose a rule (Blood Madness vs Bloodlust), as long as you are Traitor. Being blunt, Blood Madness is far superior! Bloodlust only kicks in if you’re losing, and even then it’s a 50/50 chance, so stuff that! Rage is brilliant for World Eaters, as more attacks is always better.
Incarnate Violence is absolutely superb for a combat-heavy force like the World Eaters – it makes your heavy hitters like Power Fists really reliable, and brings us to the core tactic of this army – A B C.
Always Be Charging.
To make the most of these abilities, get up into the enemy’s guts, and always Charge, Charge, Charge!
Exhortation of Butchery is also unusual and unique – it is only found on Traitor-aligned Apothecaries and Primus Medicae models “set after the Shadow Crusade in 008.M31”. In practice, this is most games outside of specific events, so don’t worry about it and just assume all your Apothecaries have it. Dope up your men and send them wild! The risk/reward on this is nearly always worth it.
Legion-Specific Wargear
The World Eaters have quite a range of unusual and esoteric weapons, some of which will be familiar to anyone who has played them in the 41st Millenium.
- Chainaxes – Old faithfuls, and iconic for this Legion, a Chainaxe can be replaced with a chainsword for free, and gives you +1 S AP 4. Take this at every opportunity you get. It is too good to ignore.
- Caedere Weapons – These are unusual, cyber-augmetic gladiator weaponry which require years of training to master, and only elite World Eaters know how to use. On the tabletop, there are a range of different kinds of Caedere weapon, all of which have their own individual specialism. All of these can be taken by Independent Characters or Characters for +15 pts
- Meteor hammers give you +2 S, AP 5, +1 I and Concussive, for a lightning-fast S 6 strike. Excoriator Chainaxes are +1 S, AP 3(!), Shred and Unwieldy, for an effect similar to a Power Axe, but AP 3 and more likely to Wound.
- Twin Falax Blades are +1 A, Rending, but otherwise just AP 5. Barb-hook lash gives you Fleshbane.
Overall… for the points these are largely underwhelming. You have to remember you are, fundamentally, competing with Power Fists and Power Axes. With re-rolls of 1 to Wound on the charge, why bother with Excoriator vs a Power Axe, for example? Remember, you generally have S 5 all the time with Chainaxes for free. I rarely see these weapons in practice outside of simply aesthetics on a model, which is a bit of a shame really.

Legion Rites of War
The World Eaters benefit from two unique Rites of War – the Berserker Assault, and The Crimson Path.
Berserker Assault
When you think World Eaters, you think Berserkers. Uncontrolled, unrelenting, and unhinged, the World Eaters were completely subsumed by the Butcher’s Nails after Isstvan and thought of nothing but the next kill. This Rite reflects that.
To take this, you must have an additional Compulsory Troops choice, cannot take more vehicles with the Tank/Flyer type than you have Infantry, and can only take a single Consul as part of your HQ choices (and cannot take a Librarian). You also cannot take allies or a Fortification. This is quite restrictive, channeling you deliberately down the path to an Infantry heavy force, focused on Troops. So, what are the benefits?
Berserk Charge gives every model with Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) the Hatred special rule when outside of their own deployment zone, and they must always attempt to make a Sweeping Advance. Incredible, as the number of attacks you make at S5 mean re-rolls really earn their points. If you want to down a Firedrakes unit in one round of combat, this is how you do it.
Unstoppable Wave gives every Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) the ability to re-rolled failed Pinning checks, and re-roll Run results of 1.
Overall, this is a very straightforward Rite. It encourages you getting out of your deployment zone with an Infantry horde, and maximising your Run moves to get to grips with the enemy. You probably will want to run this Rite whenever you are running World Eaters, as it will inevitably complement the “standard” army style of a lot of Infantry!

The Crimson Path
From the outset, the XII were known for their willingness to pay “the highest butcher’s bill in exchange for victory.” This single-minded bloody determination was legendary, and occasionally their charges through the heart of the foe would be known as a “crimson path”, with their allies only able to watch in awe and horror.
To take this Rite, you cannot use any Slow and Purposeful or Immobile units, and cannot take fortifications or allies. You also give up an extra VP for any failed objective in Attrition and/or Linebreaker Secondary Objectives, so make sure you kill the enemy, and get across the board!
The benefits are Forlorn Hope, which give all Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule while in the enemy deployment zone, and improving existing Feel No Pain by +1 to a maximum of 3+.
Wow. You will have a lot of infantry as a World Eater, so this makes 20 man squads with Apothecaries absolutely barbaric in the enemy deployment zone! It also plays very well with Surlak (see below).
You also get Unto Death, where Independent Characters for the World Eaters get It Will Not Die while in the enemy deployment zone, or improve an existing roll to 4+. This is also quite good, but overall less useful as you probably only will have 1-2 rolls for this over the course of a game.
This is an uncomplicated Rite with an easy objective – get across the board, and pin the enemy into their deployment zone with infantry, and kill them. Admittedly, that is probably the plan for every game you play World Eaters…
Make sure if you take this you have at least two maxed-out Tactical or Assault squads, with Apothecaries. You also have to carefully consider the Deployment map and work out where you need to be to get the bonuses.

Legion Special Units
The blood-drenched XII have a pair of unique special units – the mighty Red Butchers, and savage Rampagers.
The Red Butchers

Red Butchers are, even by the standards of the Traitor Legions, a pretty horrific concept. Their Terminator Armour is as much a prison cell as it is a suit of armour, bolting and sealing in an insane, screaming warrior who is completely and utterly lost to the Nails. Red Butchers are not so much deployed, as they are unleashed and set free, recaptured at the battle’s end (assuming, of course, they survive).
On the table, Red Butchers are 275 pts for 5 and 45 pts apiece, but come with WS 5 and 2 W. This sets them instantly into the higher “tier” of Terminators, alongside Firedrakes and Justerin. They are in Cataphractii Armour – so notoriously slow – and come, oddly, with a combi-bolter despite having a pitiful BS 2! Definitely just give them a pair of Power Axes, which is free as an upgrade, and go from there.
Their special rules are Fearless, Hatred (Everything) and Feel No Pain (6+), which makes them tough buggers to start with. This is then layered on by the Unstoppable Charge rule, allowing them to re-roll failed charges, which is brilliant for a close combat specialist unit.
You do, however, have to be ever-mindful of the Ravening Madmen rule, which basically means they are so insane they can always be hit on a punishing 3+ in assaults, and cannot be scoring units.
Ravening Madmen is a real pain, as it means they are having to absorb a huge number of attacks before they get to swing, but really, when they do, it will be maximum hits and kills in my experience. I think the Red Butchers have a place in every force, but that place is probably chucked into an Anvillus and pointed at the enemy backline. Definitely give the Sergeant a pair of Chainfists, as that is so cool!
Rampager Squads

Ah… Rampagers… an, shall we say, early generation set of models from when the Heresy was still young. Let’s make no bones, these are not the finest miniatures in the Forge World range, but you can always convert a squad of Rampagers if you want!
Now, in terms of the rules, they are 130 pts for an Elites or Fast Attack slot (interesting!), and can all be given Jump Packs for +10 pts each, which is expensive but a nice option to have.
The “gimmick” of the Rampagers is their base 2 A, and ability to all take Caedere weapons for +10 pts per model, along with being Chosen Warriors with Scout and Feel No Pain (6+).
The real problem you have here is that they are basic T 4, 3+ save models for 20 pts apiece, and then become 30 pts when you buy them Caedere weapons, and 40(!!) pts if you do that and buy them a Jump Pack. When you compare that to a basic Assault Marine hyped up on the nails and put into a Berserker Assault, you have to question why you are using Rampagers.
I would say perhaps a set of them with the Fleshbane whips could see some use, I guess, but otherwise.. I have to say, give them a miss. They are outshined by their own basic Troops!

Legion Special Characters
Gahlan Surlak – Dominus Nutritor, World Eaters Master of Inductii
Surlak was once an Apothecary – the noble calling of a healer, guiding his wounded battle-brothers back to health so that they could once again fight for the Imperium. With the fall of the World Eaters came the fall of Surlak, who instead turned to the grubbier, baser goal of maximising the Legion’s recruitment and induction processes.
Surlak oversaw rapid induction of thousands of new recruits, speeding them into full Legionary status with forbidden technologies and techniques. The results were little more than crazed killers, far from the noble Angels of Death. Still, this served the purpose of the Warmaster well.
On the table, Surlak has Exhortation of Butchery as a unique rule (although he technically already has it), and is a Consul-level Primus Medicae with a 3+ save and Refractor field, wielding a Power Axe and master-crafted needle pistol.
You take him primarily for the fun rule Master of Inductii, which allows Surlak to take a unit of Augmented Inductii, Legionaries who have received his “special” care. These are Tactical marines which get +1 S, Feel No Pain (6+) and -1 BS and lose Scoring. They can be joined by Surlak or other Apothecaries, but no other Independent Characters or other units. You also gain no VP for destroying them. In combat, however, that makes them a terror – S6 with Chainaxes! Really dangerous, take 20.
He also has the Narthecium Primus, which makes his Feel No Pain a 4+, which is insanely good! Surlak also forces re-rolls against him and his unit for Poisoned attacks. He cannot be the compulsory HQ, and has the Sacred Trust rule like normal Primus Medicaes (don’t forget this – with World Eaters you will be in the thick of combat, and this could easily grab you some VPs).
Overally, Surlak is an amazing support character for a mere 110pts. I would say he is an easy “must-take” for the 4+ Feel No Pain alone, but the Inductii are an amazing add-on as well. He is very popular in World Eaters lists, for good reason.
Centurion Shabran Darr – “White Eyes”
Shabran is an example of one of the older breed of World Eaters, who emphasised martial honour, the skill of combat and the pride of the fight above the madness which took Angron. It was little wonder that Shabran was chosen to be amongst the first waves on Isstvan III to die, betrayed by their brothers.
The betrayal took Shabran’s mind, sending him into a kill-frenzy and taking as many Traitor skulls as he could.
On the table, Shabran is a Centurion level character with, unfortunately, only Power Armour and no Refractor Field. He does have Feel No Pain (6+) which, I guess, is something, but for 115pts he is very unsurvivable! You can give him a Jump Pack for 20pts, which I would highly recommend.
Shabran has Rage and Hatred (Traitor Space Marines), pumping up his attacks and making good use of his WS 6. He then has the Head-hunter rule, which gives him Rending with hs Master-crafted chainaxe in a Challenge. He is Loyalist only, and has the Bloody-Handed Warlord Trait (Warlord and any unit he joins cause Fear).
Overall, extremely underwhelming. He is supposed to fight in Challenges, but to be honest, he might well be killed by a basic Artificer/Power Fist Sergeant. 3+, no invuln, and a Chainaxe? Hard pass.
Kharn the Bloody – Captain of the World Eater’s 8th Assault Company, the Twice Un-Slain, The Ender

The most famous World Eater, possibly moreso than Angron himself, Kharn is still carving a crimson path in the 41st Millenium as one of the most fearsome hand-to-hand combatants in the galaxy. Once a noble warrior and skilled duellist, Kharn’s fall from grace is primarily the result of the Butcher’s Nails implants that were hammered into his skull, driving him slowly insane and causing him to give into his blackest excesses.
On the tabletop, Kharn is a killer. 170 pts buys you a Praetor with WS 7 and a 2+/4++ along with his famous plasma pistol. He has Rampage, Precision Strike and is Marked by Dark Fates (re-roll injury rolls in campaigns). Kharn is Traitor-Only as well.
So why do you take him? Well, he has a decent Warlord Trait, Savage Assault, giving a +1 to first turn and Seize the Initiative (always nice – you want to be going first with World Eaters). While his basic weapon is the Cutter, a mere AP 3 Rending axe, you will hardly ever take this.
No… instead, he will wield Gorechild, as part of his Legacy of Blood for +20 pts. If Angron is not present, Kharn can wield this weapon, giving him S 5, Ap 2, Armourbane, Murderous Strike attacks. When you’re talking about up to 7+ A with Rampage, this means he will mince through almost any opponent, and devastate Infantry squads. Kharn the Bloody indeed. A great HQ choice for the World Eaters.
The Primarch Angron
Master of the World Eaters, The Red Angel, Slaughterer of Nations, the Undefeated

Angron is undoubtedly a tragic figure in the Heresy – a Primarch who failed to conquer his world, and was denied the death he had sought for himself. Plucked off of Nuceria by the Emperor and forced to watch his loyal friends and followers butchered, thinking he had fled, Angron never forgave his father and was only too willing to turn Traitor. How much of this was the result of the xeno-tech wrapped around his brain, and how much was his personal hatred can never be known.
On the tabletop, Angron is a modest 400 pts, but stands out as having only a 3+/4++ save with The Armour of Mars. This is certainly unusual, but with his I 7, WS 9 and S 7 he probably will get the first hits in to turn whatever he is facing into powder (and in a Primarch v Primarch fight they would be doing Invulnerable saves by default anyway).
Angron is the Sire of the World Eaters (subject to the latest FAQ), which gives him Furious Charge and Feel No Pain (5+), and makes him Consolidate towards the nearest enemy. He grants a 12” bubble of Fearless for Legiones Astartes (World Eaters), which is really nice given he will be in the thick of combat!
He is a veteran of the Red Sands, meaning he can fight in as many Challenges as there are enemy Independent Characters/units in combat with him, up to his current number of attacks (!) – this is great for mincing through Sergeants and other plucky would-be heroes at a high Initiative.
Alongside the Armour of Mars, Angron has Gorefather & Gorechild, archaic matched chainaxes, giving Angron S 8 (!!), AP 2 Armourbane, Murderous Strike attacks. The latter might not be needed most of the time given S 8, but Armourbane is incredible when combined with The Butcher’s Nails.
The Nails give Angron +1 A for every Independent Character or Infantry unit (of any type) wiped out or destroyed in close combat with Angron for the rest of the game, up to a maximum of 10. He must do the fatal strike or remove the last model for this to be claimed. This is insane when you think about it, as Angron will be able to use Red Sands to pick them out, and then wipe them out. I have seen Angron running around with 8-9 A base very early on in a game, and then becoming a juggernaut of 10+ S 8 attacks at I 7 which hits like an Exterminatus.
Strategy is simple, as ever – run him at the enemy, and once he’s done, there will no longer be an enemy.
Sample Army List
OK, lets be very up-front about this. World Eaters armies can be quite expensive in terms of money, time, and psychological strain – as you are painting a lot of Infantry. It is probably going to be mostly, if not entirely, Infantry and Transports. I have seen different kinds of World Eaters forces, but these play heavily to fluff and still had massive cores of Troops.
The one exception is Contemptors – you definitely want these to support your forces.
White isn’t that easy to paint, but with an airbrush or a rattlecan you can do a good job. The plus side is the paint scheme is simple and forgiving, as you can slap grime and blood on. Definitely spend some time looking up blood effects and styles so you can really gore them up. It’ll look great.
I would highly recommend trying to balance a good look “en masse” with an efficient painting method – if you’re trying to edge highlight every bandoleer, you’ll go as mad as Angron.
Rite of War: Berserker Assault (Blood Madness)
- HQ – Praetor with Jump Pack, Iron Halo, Digital Lasers, M-C Paragon Blade
- Elites – Apothecary x2 with Artificer Armour, x1 with Jump Pack
- Elites – x2 Contemptor-Cortus with 2x DCCW
- Troops – Tactical Squad (18 men) with extra CCW, Chainaxes, Power Fist/Artificer Armour
- Troops – Tactical Squad (18 men) with extra CCW, Chainaxes, Power Fist/Artificer Armour
- Troops – Assault Squad (16 men) with x3 Power Axes, Power Fist/Artificer Armour
A solid block of ceramite forms the core of this armour, which is severely lacking in anti-armour outside of the Cortus Dreadnoughts. This probably won’t be a problem in 1,500 – most things have AV 12 or weaker which you can deal with with Krak Grenades or even S5 Chainaxes – but you will have to bear this in mind. You also have to paint a lot of men…
Expanding this is easy – max out the x3 Troops squads, get another x2 Cortus, and go from there with whatever takes your fancy. HQs like Champions are a good idea, and you can even get a Spartan to put basic Tactical Marines in which can be fun!
Victory Needs No Explanation, Defeat Allows None
The World Eaters are one of my favourite Legions to play against – you end up in a desperate scrabble to try to gun them down before they hit you, and then it comes down to a Marine-on-Marine fight in the dirt. It screams “Horus Heresy” to me!
Next time, we look at the final Legion in our Loyalist series – strap in, as we’ll be going fast. It’s the White Scars! And as always, if you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note in the comments below or email us at
“Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! KILL! MAIM! BURN!”